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Author Topic: Bug Deflector  (Read 6580 times)


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RE:Bug Deflector
« Reply #50 on: March 12, 2002, 11:53:39 pm »

JimH, I'd really like to hear if you support paying people for voluntary, irreversible vasectomies/hysterectomies.  I have to believe that you've distracted us long enough for the coders to shoot a few gators.


Harry the Hipster

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RE:Bug Deflector
« Reply #51 on: March 13, 2002, 02:22:14 am »


Look again. Remember the riff about Canadians, Democrats and others who want to get something for nothing? Began with a beef about losing the MJ license and wanting to re-up for free - I'll dig it out if you'd like. And then there are those comments equating Demos with communists.

I respect your right to your views even if I don't accept them. Why aren't we on the other side of the issues entitled to the same respect?

And while most of the Dems are equally dismayed by  Clinton's personal behavior, I'm also curious why there's such an added degree of venom in the Right's attacks on him - almost like a medieval exorcism. You'd need an advanced degree in psychology to figure that one out.



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RE:Bug Deflector
« Reply #52 on: March 13, 2002, 04:13:12 am »

MHorton wrote > "There's two types of Republicans: 1% are those that have "made it" and they wouldn't care what WE call them anyway. The other 99% are wannabe's--they just want to be like the other 1%. They're the ones that are always making up some explanatiom--excuse for why it's Ok for them to be selfish. They're like five year old olds fighing over one toy in a full toybox. Remember this--the rich got that way on the backs of the poor, and us stupid poor people should hate them, but we either want to be like the rich or we just give up and go on welfare. Dont't ever give up. Don't ever go on welfare. Don't ever be a Republican."

and > "I want my great-grand children and beyond to enjoy what I've enjoyed. Dialog like this is constructive. I value your viewpoints, even if they differ from my own. Most of the time I can not only understand how those more conservative than I feel, but sometimes I feel that way myself. Then I consider where I believe that path leads, and then I back my thinking up and start again."

JimH>In Holland now, going sailing for a couple hours on the North Sea in the rain tomorrow
Bon voyage; please be careful of the little fishies on their war to heaven!
[former member]> For the record, I like JimH.  I do not like that he deletes my posts.  Someone once said that it takes a lifetime to make a friend, and a second to make an enemy.  In hindsight, I wish I had never been critical of anyone here.  Others have flamed me (Geez ... they called me names ... even burned me in effigy!!).  My apologies to anyone who feels I have flamed back.  My joy is ideas. Outrageous, unsettling, unusual, new.  No offense intended ... really.

[former member]
The best ideas are ahead of me; dialogue is the way

Roger the Shrubber

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RE:Bug Deflector
« Reply #53 on: March 13, 2002, 04:46:53 am »

Waiting for night to fall................

Michael Horton

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RE:Bug Deflector
« Reply #54 on: March 13, 2002, 08:38:27 am »

[former member]

I'm stunned. Was that an apology?

Prefab Sprout - Life of Surprises

>>>MHorton wrote . . .

I wrote it. My dad said it. Doesn't mean its right, just that it stuck with me. Amd I was feeling sentimental 'cause I had a tad too much to drink last night. My point was that anyone who knew my dad would never doubt that he was a "patriotic American." He never owned a foreign car in his life, he drank MGD or Bud, and he quit going to the movies when John Wayne died. He liked apple pie, hot dogs, American football and the Forth of July. For decades, he marched in every Veteran's Day/Memorial Day parade where he lived. And he was a socialist. He despised George Bush, and he would have loathed "King George W." One doesn't have to be a staunch conservative to be an "American" in spite of what some lately would have us believe. That's what all my rambling was about.

We've pretty much covered politics and religion--what's that third topic that we're not supposed to discuss in polite company?


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RE:Bug Deflector
« Reply #55 on: March 13, 2002, 08:46:51 am »

HTH: > Look again. Remember the riff about Canadians, Democrats ...

OK, I made the false assumption that because your post followed some of mine and King's, that you were implying that I was name calling.

>Why aren't we on the other side of the issues entitled to the same respect?

Because your positions are ridiculous.  (heh heh, kidding)

>why there's such an added degree of venom in the Right's attacks on him -
>almost like a medieval exorcism. You'd need an advanced degree in psychology
>to figure that one out.

Oh, please.  The man's a a dirtbag, and you folks defend him.  He is worthy of plenty of name calling.  You guys put him in office twice.  His legacy belongs to you.



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RE:Bug Deflector
« Reply #56 on: March 13, 2002, 10:09:33 am »

Morton> "...he quit going to the movies when John Wayne died"
John Wayne dead??  I saw him last night in the "High and Mighty". Nice whistle. Maybe you meant Mark Twain.

Also my post above meant to read "please be careful of the little fishies on their way to heaven!

[former member]

Michael Horton

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RE:Bug Deflector
« Reply #57 on: March 13, 2002, 11:34:23 am »


>>>>They argue and fight all day long, and at night they get drunk together and slap backs all around.

the one thing about politicians that we should emulate

here's to you (he said raising his bottled water at the monitor)

Harry the Hipster

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RE:Bug Deflector
« Reply #58 on: March 13, 2002, 01:51:51 pm »


Come on. No-one has the morality market cornered. What about Newt Gingrich, Bob Livingston and that mealy-mouthed hypocrite Dan Burton? That's just the top of the nightsoil pile. At least Willie didn't preach the hellfire gospel to the choir on Sunday morning before slipping out to meet his paramour. No, that's not a defense - just a suggestion that there's plenty of room in the garbage can for all of them, and very few lessons to be drawn from their pecadillos about greater political truths. If you don't like scumbags, be consistent and nail the whole gang, not just the Demos.

My point was somewhat different, though your response may have underscored it. If the Right hates sin so much, and stands for family values, why in the face of rampant immorality from all quarters did it focus virtually all of its psychic energy on him? My theory: they were bright enough to sense the enormous political challenge he posed for them - smart, articulate, good-looking and loaded with charm, compelling speaker, possibly the most threatening Demo since FDR. From their perspective, undermining him was the number one political priority. And he was his own worst enemy, of course.

The same goes double in spades for soft money and squeezing the fat cats. That great American Mitch McConnell and his defense of soft money contributions is Demo exhibit number one. They're all crawling through the gutter in pursuit of the almight dollar, and Willie was no different from the rest of them, or them from him.

If people hate him, fine. Just be candid about it, because it sure looks like its more about politics and policy than offenses to public morality.



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RE:Bug Deflector
« Reply #59 on: March 13, 2002, 02:31:07 pm »

So much for light hearted topics. What do you folks really think? Next Page

Michael Horton

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RE:Bug Deflector
« Reply #60 on: March 13, 2002, 02:51:44 pm »

we should tar and feather whoever started this thread

Charlemagne 8

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RE:Bug Deflector
« Reply #61 on: March 13, 2002, 03:06:47 pm »

I'll start with a joke:

A mechanic, an electrician, a chemist, and a computer guy were driving on the highway when their car broke down.

The mechanic said, "I think a rod broke."

The chemist said, "There's no combustion so it's not getting enough gas."

The electrician said, "I think something's wrong with the electrical system."

The computer guy said, "I think we should all get out and then get back in."

and end with a possibly inflammatory statement:

>> You guys put him in office twice. His legacy belongs to you. <<

Yeah and I would vote for him again if he could run. Who cares what he does in "private". Who knows what ANY of them do in private. As far as this country goes, Clinton was the best thing to happen in the last 20 years. (Count them and you'll get REALLY mad).

While venting some thoughts I have had for a while (above and an earlier post) I came to the realization that I enjoyed doing that. Silence is not always golden. I am almost 51 years old and have probably lived longer than I will live. You know, not 102. Maybe I will vent some more later. That would be nice.

That's right.
I'm cool.


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RE:Bug Deflector
« Reply #62 on: March 13, 2002, 05:20:04 pm »

MHorton: > here's to you (he said raising his bottled water at the monitor)

Bottled water.  Egads!

HTH: > smart, articulate, good-looking and loaded with charm, compelling speaker,
> possibly the most threatening Demo since FDR

Charle: > Clinton was the best thing to happen in the last 20 years.

What color is the sky in your guys' worlds?

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