I had my entire library displayed as a playlist - auto smartlist - all music - and then I went to remove duplicates - - saved playlist and thought everything was fine - went to auto task - incomplete albums - guess what - several files that I know were present when I ripped the albums were missing - and all the incomplete albums contained were missing the songs that were duplicated somewhere else! The weird thing is - it wasn't all the duplicates (thank goodness) but 30 CD's were missing files! - These were not only missing from the library - they were completely deleted off my hard drive.
I am using MC 9.1.274. Unfortunately I can't give other details of what was happening at the time since a day or 2 took place between me checking for duplicates and incomplete albums.
I was under the impression that whenever you were working with playlists or the library and you deleted or removed something - it was only deleted from the playlist or database! I know that there are instances where a pop up will give you a choice of deleting from the database, hard drive, or sending to the recycle bin. But to do it without a prompt or option setting is awful!
2 questions - is there somewhere that you can set MC to only delete information from the database - I looked under tools, options and couldn't locate anything - if there isn't there should be - or you should be prompted everytime!
If my make all my files read only - will this prevent MC from deleting them? (I don't think so but want to check).
I don't let MC write or alter my tags - I only want certain data to be in the tags - which is one reason I went with MC becasue it kept other information in the database - I certainly didn't expect it to delete files if I was altering a playlist or library.
I don't want to try and reproduce this but thought I would mention it - anyone else experience this???