Having recently got JR up and running on my new RPi2, I was thinking about other uses (such as XBMC etc) and hence looking at options for a new SD card.
I then seem to notice a lot of threads about SD card corruption, and a LOT of cases where SD card only last a few months or even weeks before they become corrupt and have to be thrown away.
It appears this is largely down to interrupting the write process (power loss, overclocking, insufficient power supply) and generally just a lot of use.
To mitigate this, it seems the advice is to use decent power supplies, never unplug without shutting down, minimise reboots and try to minimise the number of writes.
I have also read that making the boot folder read only thus protecting the boot process should other parts of the SD card corrupt....
And in terms of minimising writes, re-mounting the logging folders into RAM and disabling the swap-file can help.
move logs to RAM in fstab;
none /var/run tmpfs size=1M,noatime 0 0
none /var/log tmpfs size=1M,noatime 0 0
and protect boot
/dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot vfat ro,noatime 0 2
So my question is, does anyone have experience with corrupt SD cards?? and if so what's the advice on preventing corruption, and process for backing up the SC card
Or, are the various reports of SD corruption merely scaremongering?