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Author Topic: got frozen by attenmp to play another from pause  (Read 3244 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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got frozen by attenmp to play another from pause
« on: February 16, 2016, 02:38:17 am »

when i pause a music file and try to manually play another, mc21 often gets frozen.
i found this bug from 21.0.45 and it still exists on 48 the newest.
i tested with my mp3 and flac files without an external dec, turning off all dsp options.
of course i unstalled clean with unremoved registry keys and reinstalled to test.
this occurs regardless of view mode selected.
anybody here who also had the same experience as me?
if it is a concrete bug, plz fix it.


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Re: got frozen by attenmp to play another from pause
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2016, 04:01:14 am »

Hi and welcome to the forum  :)

I don't have this issue and haven't read about anyone else having it either. I can't see any changes that would provoke a change just before 21.0.45.

If you are using a different skin, switch back to the default Noire skin, just in case there is some incompatibility that has cropped up with the buttons.  If you hit the stop button first, will the next song play?

Then, could it be that somehow your options were changed?  I'd look at Options=>General=>Behavior and see how you this is currently set. Example if double click is set to replace playing now (all) and the "start playing when files are added to playing now" box is checked. If you double click another track, while one is on pause, will this play?


When you say it freezes, is this a real "hang" like no response from the program for a long time?, or does the program "crash" like it just stops. If so I think it best to turn on logging and post your log file see this if you don't know how to Try and create the hang/crash and post it. Might help people narrow down what could be happening


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: got frozen by attenmp to play another from pause
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2016, 09:36:40 am »

i found out how it happens.
if i fix all inputs to a certain sample rate on dsp studio > output format, the bug comes up.
could you check and fix it, manager?
i tested with the lastest aimp, but it worked without problem.

x-fi xtreme music on win7 x64
removed all external devices
without any dsp or vst
uninstall and reinstall with remaining registry keys whenever testing
changing music manually without pause works without problem.


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Re: got frozen by attenmp to play another from pause
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2016, 10:56:18 am »

I set my DSP Studio to resample everything to 48k.

Then I played and paused and played another file.

It worked perfectly.

Any other tips?

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: got frozen by attenmp to play another from pause
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2016, 02:29:27 am »

i finally resolved the annoying issue.
mc21 worked perfectly on direct sound output. i got a hint that wasapi output settings should be looked over.
so i tested changing wasapi options and found out the solution.
i should have changed wasapi exclusive event mode into push mode by putting a check on 'disable event style' on options > audio > device settings.
but, i'm still wondering why aimp4 worked well regardless of event/push of wasapi exclusive.


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Re: got frozen by attenmp to play another from pause
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2016, 05:16:18 am »

i finally resolved the annoying issue.
mc21 worked perfectly on direct sound output. i got a hint that wasapi output settings should be looked over.
so i tested changing wasapi options and found out the solution.
i should have changed wasapi exclusive event mode into push mode by putting a check on 'disable event style' on options > audio > device settings.
but, i'm still wondering why aimp4 worked well regardless of event/push of wasapi exclusive.

well I'm glad you sorted it ... but I'm pretty confused. So you are now using Direct Sound instead of WASAPI?... if so you are no longer by-passing the windows mixer.

For that DAC I'd set DSP Studio Output forma to no change up to 96khz (or 192k using certain connections, I think); over those limits set to downsample to either 96 or 192 depending). If you don't have high rez files this of course is not necessary. You can set the output as Matt has tested, but normally you wouldn't want to (IMHO)

I believe their native driver is an ASIO driver ... normally you would want to use their driver, before WASAPI, and certainly before Direct Sound (unless you have other conflicts like with a DAWS?) - I'd verify that the appropriate playback device is chosen in Windows. If using WASAPI with a reasonably modern rig, normally you would want the default event style.

Just googled their support as I don't know this particular version of SB ... but a new driver dated 16 jan was recently released. If you are running Win10 especially you would want this (could be causing the problem); even if you are not running Win10 I'd make sure your driver is up to date

anyways, again good that you found your solution, but you might want to check that your config is optimum for audio on that dac. I'm guessing that is really the root of the problem


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: got frozen by attenmp to play another from pause
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2016, 06:19:52 am »

thank you for you advice and information, Arindelle.
i'm using mc21 on wasapi exclusive PUSH mode now. it seemed that this solution to my issue was related with the sound card driver. x-fi xtreme music is still nice device but creative's offiicial support has ended long before. they just release a driver when a new OS comes up. they don't give users any bug-fixed drivers anymore. so, it's not strange that wasapi event mode is unstable on mc21.
fortunately i just solved the issue by turning wasapi exclusive event mode to push mode. and now my mc21 is working perfectly on push mode.

however i additionally found a weird thing that the latest aimp4 doesn't freeze even though i pause a music file and try to play another regardless of event/push mode.
when i pause a music and try to play anther, mc21 often gets frozen 7 or 8 out of 10 trials, but when i do the same process with aimp4, it worked well just with an unusual thing.
an overlap of music sound for a short while (about 0.2s) is made when i do so. for example, if there is a song right starting with the words(believe me~~), aimp4 plays like this (be,believe me~~) when i pause a song and play another. i think the same thing should happen on mc21 but it just gets frozen but aimp4 bypass or circumvent not to be frozen.

that's why i cannot totally understand what is the fundamental problem with my mc21.
if my sound card's driver is certainly buggy so mc21 cannot support wasapi exclusive event stably, aimp should show the same bug but it worked well on event as well as push mode.
i got the final conclusion that mc21 still has the room for improving or amending something of wasapi output.


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Re: got frozen by attenmp to play another from pause
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2016, 11:40:19 am »

that's why i cannot totally understand what is the fundamental problem with my mc21.
if my sound card's driver is certainly buggy so mc21 cannot support wasapi exclusive event stably, aimp should show the same bug but it worked well on event as well as push mode.
i got the final conclusion that mc21 still has the room for improving or amending something of wasapi output.
I don't know what anther is, and I have only played around with aimp4 to check out its UI ... but I sort of look at this differently.  I think your SB card is meant to be used with their driver (or an Asio 2.0 driver) -- their driver's buggy you say so you choose not to use it. I can see that. But JRiver still gives you another option with WASAPI that seems to work for your particular case. For info, you can also try the JRiver ASIO driver just to see, if you have selected in from the Features under General Options. Aimp4 might be more plug and play, but JRiver idoesn't pretend to be, as it has so many possible config options.

Anyway looks like your sorted. Happy listening  :)
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