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Author Topic: Questions about tagging  (Read 2816 times)


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Questions about tagging
« on: July 06, 2017, 07:46:54 am »

I am taggin music by Genre separating by semicol the different voice so I an assign multiple cross-referenced genres like in
This is the genre field but I would like tagging also by instrumetal ytpe (e.g. orchestra;Piano or harpsichord;Violin etc.)

I was thinking to use the Gouping field (it is a spare field right) but it does not shows up like Genre, i,e, does not expand the single generes as shown in the picture

Any suggestion on how to efficiently implement my requirements?
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Re: Questions about tagging
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2017, 08:15:47 am »

I would make a new field called [Instruments] .  Or another name that is the most logical to you.  Then I would make that a data type of List and edit type of List.

Then you can edit that field to add multiple values easily and use it in your views, etc.

Good luck.



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Re: Questions about tagging
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2017, 09:03:35 am »

Make it a checkbox field so it's easy to tag a lot of different sub genres

It comes up every so often - use custom fields, not "spare" fields.  Make it work like you want it to, it's a big feature of MC


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Re: Questions about tagging
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2017, 10:00:24 am »

check box is a great idea but ... how can I set a number of check box and their name? it is not clear from
DAW: Fanless Case Streatcon 7 with MSI A97I mobo, 2 x 8G RAM (Hynix) with Intel I5 CPU.
NAS: QNAP TS-531 with 5x4TB HDDs
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Re: Questions about tagging
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2017, 05:35:18 pm »

A List type field, with an Edit type of List is what you want.  This will show you check box listings for every entry you add.  For example, if you type in Flute and Violin on a file, the next time you go to use this field on a NEW file, you will see Flute and Violin listed with check boxes next to them. You can check those boxes, or you can type to create new values.  Or do a combination of both:  Check the Flute check box and then type in "Piano" and you will get both Flute and Piano for this file.

This list will continue to grow as you add new values by typing and all entries will be available and check boxes.

There is a field typed called "check box", but it is only an "on or off" value.  It's good for those types of tasks, but not correct for a multi-valued field.  List type with edit type of List is what you want.

Ferday is very knowledgeable and probably meant List type.



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Re: Questions about tagging
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2017, 06:30:38 pm »

Thanks blgentry, I did. :)

stanzani, i would again encourage you to make custom tags.  i see your other thread as well.  the real power of the database in MC is making it do what you want, not making do with what's already there in the box.  tagging can be a lot of work but it's worth it when you're browsing later!



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Re: Questions about tagging
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2017, 01:21:17 am »

I am taggin music by Genre separating by semicol the different voice so I an assign multiple cross-referenced genres like in
This is the genre field but I would like tagging also by instrumetal ytpe (e.g. orchestra;Piano or harpsichord;Violin etc.)

I was thinking to use the Gouping field (it is a spare field right) but it does not shows up like Genre, i,e, does not expand the single generes as shown in the picture

Any suggestion on how to efficiently implement my requirements?

You should learn a bit about defining and using views before you put a lot of effort into tagging.  You populate tags to make it easier to browse and select music files.  JRiver MC comes with some predefined views but you can create your own.  From what you have said, I don't think that the standard album view will do what you want.

2/3 or more of my music library is classical music.  I defined the view shown in the screenshot below for classical music written by major composers (a list that I defined.)


The view definition selects genre = classical and Composer in my list of major composers.  This is a pane style view.  The individual panes have lists of values for Sub_genre, Composer, Work Name, Artist and Version.  My Sub_genre tag does something like what you wanted.  I can narrow the list that is displayed by choosing a sub_genre value.  Or a Composer Value. Or a Work Name or Artist or Version.  I can narrow the selection down using any combination of those tags.

To define a view, right click on the word "Audio" and choose "Add library view".  My screenshot was made several years ago so things look a bit different now.

I defined user fields (tags) for Sub_genre, Work Name, Version, Version and a few others.  Then I created views to make use of those fields.
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