Thanks Jim. Looking forward to it. 
I got the new version, installed it and now Remote Control is available so I can setup Play Power.
It now turns on the outlet that powers the receiver when I start playing. Good!
Unfortunately I have some problems.
1. As I discussed earlier we also need to turn the receiver off. Engen does not have the capability to turn it off when the Player stops but it was suggested that I use the MC Scheduler to turn it off. Some issues doing that.
A. The time zone in the IdPi clock is different than mine so I can't use our time for settings. I don't see any way to adjust the IdPi time.
B. When I do the setup in 'Scheduler Task' I select 'Device'. In the Command Line it is not possible to enter 'Turn Off'. If I select 'All Lights' instead of 'Device' the Command Line shows the option of 'Turn All On' or 'Turn All Off'. This can work for me since I only have one Device (the outlet), but it is not very intuitive.
C. Now the bad one. It turns off at the preset time but it immediately (very rapidly) turns it back on. I am sure to not have the MC Player playing at the turn off time. I have even disabled the settings in Remote Control that turn it on when something is playing. So this makes it unusable for us unfortunately.
I am having some other problems with the IdPi but I will put those in a separate thread.
Thanks for any help that can be offered.