Hello guys & girls,
First I want to express a big thank's to the dev team and the community, you're working together on a great thing !
Then, I have a question I did not found the answer on the forum,
I'm looking for a Raspberry Pi 3B + the official 7" touch display in order to rebuild my HIFI system.
I need some help cause I'll begin in Raspberry world, and I'm quite sure it's possible to make JRiver works on Windows 10 IOT but I don't really understand how.
I saw it's possible to create the station I want in a Linux environment, but I'm not sure I want to start with Linux...
Well, can you confirm me it is possible to "load" JRiver on a Windows 10 IOT ? How can I make it properly ?
The best will be, when I start the computer JRiver will appear.
I must precise the output will be through an USB DAC (Audiophonic Usabre but it doesn't matter) running with the driver ASIO4ALL, and the storage will be on an external hard drive.
If you think a better solution exist, I'll listen it

Thank's for the time you took to read my post, and have a good day

PS. I try my best to talk my non native language, be indulgent with me pls :3