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Author Topic: Can MC create a playlist on a handheld without the need to import or Sync files?  (Read 1050 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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I have Garmin unit on my motorcycle that can play mp3 files. I copied all the music files I wanted to the Garmin.  I have been trying for while now to set up a playlist on the Garmin  using MC but it has not worked so far.

I don't want to import the files into MC (that is where I got the files from) and I don't need to Sync the Garmin/files with MC as this is a one time setup (but I tried that Sync feature, and it still didn't work). So how do I do this (is it possible)?

When I tried to export an existing MC playlist to the Garmin, the playlist (m3u8 file) will get placed on the Garmin but the file paths are wrong. Then I edited that playlist file and changed the file paths to match the Garmin but that didn't work (Garmin shows no files in the playlist).

The Garmin has the ability to manually create a playlist by selecting files or albums one by one, so I made a short playlist that way to see the structure. Then I edited one of the MC playlists to match the structure but it still shows no files when I open the playlist in the Garmin. I would rather use the current playlist in MC becasue there are a lot of files in the playlist and it would take a while to pick them one by one in the Garmin.

The playlist structure is like this (for a playlist that works in the Garmin):
#EXTINF: -1,  The Sky is Falling
0:/MP3/Blues/The Sky is Falling.mp3

How do I get this file structure in MC with Playlist already in MC that I can export/copy to the Garmin? In Garmin the music is at "MP3/Stevie Ray Vaughan" (no album name) and the playlist is at "MP3/Playlist".

In MC my file structure is "M:/Music/Stevie Ray Vaughan/Blues at Sunrise".


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The 64 bit version of MC doesn't yet support Handheld Sync.  The 32 bit version does.

If you drag the playlist to the device, the files should be moved automatically.
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