didn't work. I tried the version of madVr I used with MC 23. Same effect: switches to 3D, no video, and have to kill MC24 process if it does not crash on its own.
Also when playing back 4K content, it scales to 1080p in spite of my telling madVr for 2D content, only use 4K modes.
I run my desktop at 1080p by default and in MC23 with my madVr profiles, 4K plays in 4K, 3D in 1080p3D, all in Windowed mode.
checked and re-checked all settings in JRiver and madVr between MC23 and MC24 and they are equal.
have the good folks at JRiver tested 3D to see if it's still working?
further notes:
madVr will no longer switch to FSE in MC24; even when I changed my desktop to 2160p and played back a 4K+HDR MKV, it would only playback in 1080p + HDR. back to MC23 and everything worked fine.