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Author Topic: Saving a URL  (Read 2868 times)


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Saving a URL
« on: April 28, 2018, 09:10:11 am »

The old Connected Media functionality seems to have been lost, or I do not know how to do in the the new Streaming function. 

In the past you could open a streaming url (not a website) and save that url in My Connected Media. You could then tag that entry as you wanted and even build a view or playlist specifically for those entries. I had a view specifically for Internet Radio stations. I also had each station tagged so that in each of my Genre views I had an internet radio option. So, in my Jazz view I had a Internet Radio icon (album cover) that I could select. When I selected it it gave me a list of my jazz streaming radio stations.  Those entries still exist in the library, I just do not seem to be able to create new ones.

It seems like none of that functionality is in the new Streaming option.  I can add a website, but not a streaming url. And I cannot tag it so it appears in other views.  And, if I play and save a url through File - Open URL it plays but the link does not get saved anywhere such that it can be tagged, added to views, etc.

And, since the new option only seems to call up websites through a browser, the audio does not go through the MC audio engine. With the streaming urls the audio went through the MC audio engine so DSPs could be applied and the audio could go to zones.

It seems like the ability to use streaming urls (not websites) has been lost.  Am I missing something?  Maybe the Connected Media option can just be added back in to recreate this functionality.

I will say that those direct streaming urls seem to be less common than they used to be, but as long as they exist, it seems the ability to use them should be maintained.

Any help on this?


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Re: Saving a URL
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2018, 10:17:48 am »

You never had to, and still don't need to, use the My Connected Media feature to do that. Just go File - Open URL then go to playing now, open the tag window and edit as appropriate. Finally right click again and "Import into Library".


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Re: Saving a URL
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2018, 10:22:21 am »

If you use File > Open URL to start a stream playing, you can then save it to your library and tag it as desired. I don't use streaming radio much in JRiver, but I have a half-dozen or so stations I occasionally use. I employ  Filename (path) starts with http to create a view just for internet radio. I never used Connected Media per se, but this has always worked for me -- and still does in version 24.

[OOPS -- I see Matt replied as I was writing this post!]


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Re: Saving a URL
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2018, 10:48:45 am »

Forgot about going to Playing Now. I am used to using the popup and My Connected Media, which no longer works.  It would be nice if the popup sent it to Streaming and saved it in the library.  And if Streaming could play the streaming url directly.

I do not see an option to "Import into Library" Maybe  I just missed it. It would be nice to have. You can send to a playlist which also saves it, but has always been a bit of a kludge.

It seems like this option should somehow be integrated into the Streaming Option, if that is meant to be all encompassing. It would be nice to be able to do this is in a more straightforward way.



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Re: Saving a URL
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2018, 10:06:05 am »

I'll add in to the group 'We miss Connected Media'.

With the new streaming feature the 'Name' field of the stream is constantly changing to the last played title.

I imported a list from MC18 with the name of the stations in the 'Name' field. For those station that broadcast the song title, the station now gets a new name for every song. (Check, station name is [If I try the new Streaming feature, MC24 tries to download and store the stream.]

Sure, I can tag the stream for the station name in another field. But then I can't see the station name in my playlist selection in the Gizmo - only titles shows up.



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Re: Saving a URL
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2018, 05:33:34 pm »

Wow.... I hadn't noticed this until now. I just played some of my old internet radio playlists.... now the stations take on the name of the track being played.

This definitely needs to be addressed somehow. Saving internet radio playlists with useful station (url) tagging is a must.
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Re: Saving a URL
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2018, 09:47:41 am »

I have the same problem that Leiph has. I migrated from JRMC21 to 24 the other thay.
I can still play my internet radiostations, but the name-field is replaced by the song title that is playing.
So it is impossible to select the radiostation from the list the next time.
This looks like a serious bug to me.


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Re: Saving a URL
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2018, 05:29:27 pm »

If you set the name of the album to your stream (this assumes that, as suggested, you import the stream into your library), then there seems to be no problem identifying both the song and the stream.


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Re: Saving a URL
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2018, 06:23:36 am »

If you set the name of the album to your stream (this assumes that, as suggested, you import the stream into your library), then there seems to be no problem identifying both the song and the stream.

I qoute myself:
Sure, I can tag the stream for the station name in another field. But then I can't see the station name in my playlist selection in the Gizmo - only titles shows up.

There are workarounds, but this compromises the idea of MediaCenter as a fully fledged media system.

This is obviously a bug. It would be nice if someone from JRiver would confirm that this is addressed.


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Re: Saving a URL
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2018, 07:54:54 pm »

We'll get it. Sorry.
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