I'm looking to use MC to import Pics/Videos in order to keep them organised so I can ditch Adobe Organiser (which is a piece of junk) and the outdated Picasa (Adobe is unreliable and so is the outdated Picasa...) :
I'm not expecting MC to become a full fledged photo tool but if it could do the 2 tasks explained below no more need for anything else to import pics/videos! And I already use MC for everything else media related
![Smiley :)](https://yabb.jriver.com/interact/Smileys/classic/smiley.gif)
When acquiring Images/Videos:
- Even if "Skip file if already in library" is checked, MC can't remember which files were deleted from a previous import and will re-import them.
ASK #1: It would be great if it could do a check on import for files "already deleted from the library". Since MC is smart enough to keep track of deleted files for TV recordings (~d=r) I figure it could do the same for imported pics/videos.
- I created a custom field
left([Date (filename friendly)],4)-mid([Date (filename friendly)],4,2)-mid([Date (filename friendly)],6,2)
allowing me to organise them like this using "RM&C Files"-> E:\Pictures\YYYY-MM-DD\IMG_xxxx.jpg. after import but this is a 2 step process...
ASK #2: Again similar to what is done for TV subscriptions it would be great if we could apply tags while acquiring images so this is done as a one step process.Thx for considering!