After reading ZenOli's post, I got an idea and solved my problem (transcoding error). After reinstalling the OS (windows10 pro) of the JRiver server PC, I could not use the transcoding function that I used to use well at all. Native format files supported by mobile devices such as FLAC and MP3 play well, but transcoding SACD ISO files on mobile devices is a very necessary function for me. (Transcode error regardless of any Apple or Android device and jremote1 or jremote2 app) I guess the cause was because the OS account name was in Korean. In this case, JRemote seems to not be able to access the transcoded mp3 file in the Temp folder of AppData\Roaming\J River. Therefore, I changed the account name to English or installed the portable version (English folder name) and completely solved this problem. Thank you ZenOli. I wasted a lot of time from configuring the firewall to installing JRiver for each version, and eventually gave up on j remote transcoding, but I am so happy that your advice completely solved the problem. (I wrote this English sentence using Google Translate, so please understand if there are any incorrect expressions.)