I have been trying to get the lyrics display to work but cannot get rid of the truncated lines. For short lines, the display works fine (screen shot 1) but if there are long lines they are truncated (screen shot 2). And, expanding the display by removing the left windows does not help the truncated lines (screen shot 3). The display just gets bigger.
So I thought I would play with font types and sizes in the lyrics tag. Unfortunately, the popup edit tag does not seem to have any font options and does not even seem to have any way to save any changes, unless I am missing something - see the 4th screen shot. Of course, actually manually editing all the lyrics is not a viable project, but I wanted to see if it had any effect.
Also, their seems to be no way to change the actual display font for the lyrics.
Any help in getting this lyric display to work properly would be appreciated.
Additional screens shots in next post due to file size limit.