After a lot of hard work on everyone’s part, JRiver’s streaming radio is now streaming smoothly. Thanks for your patience. Under Radio JRiver on the streaming page, there are four stations, each with a button — Jazz, Classical, Rock, and one called, Eclectic, which they tell me is a big word for etcetera.
I’m the one who is curating the Jazz, Classical, and Eclectic stations. Rock is beyond my control, as it should be.
This radio service is listener-supported. I invite you to check it out and hear for yourself great sounding music (via the latest MC 25), which encompasses the beautiful, the diverse and, the infinite possibilities of music.
There will be steady additions. I welcome feedback and suggestions of any sort. Let me know your reactions. Tell me about your favorite artists and musicians. I hope we can introduce each other to new stuff of every sort and share it with everyone.