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Which version of the View are you trying to implement? The one that includes a Drill-Down for DN/DNa, or the one I described in my last post that only uses the top menu?
Regardless, it is the "Set rules for file display" setting that defines what is included in the View, so you should check each level in the View hierarchy to see that only the required parameters are included. Note that if you set the [Media Sub Type] for both Movies and TV Shows to be included at the "Documentaries Split" level, then that applies to the lower, "Movie Documentaries" and "TV Show Documentaries".
So for the "Documentaries Split" version I posted;
Level in View Hierarchy Rules in "Set rules for file display" as shown in the Import/Export dialogue{Documentaries} [Media Type]=[Video] [Category]="Documentary"
{Movie Documentaries} [Media Sub Type]=[Movie]
{TV Show Documentaries} [Media Sub Type]=[TV Show]
Level in View Hierarchy The View Detail window should include{Documentaries} The Details window isn't available at this level
{Movie Documentaries} [Sub Category] as a selected Library field
{TV Show Documentaries} [Sub Category] as a selected Library field, plus "Series" with expression TVInfo(SeriesDisplay), and "Season" with expression TVInfo(SeasonDisplay)
So for the last version I posted in my last post, which I shall now call the "Documentaries Menu" version
Level in View Hierarchy Rules in "Set rules for file display" as shown in the Import/Export dialogue{Documentaries} [Media Type]="Video" [Category]="Documentary"
{Unwatched Movie Documentaries} [Media Sub Type]=[Movie] [Sub Category]=[DN]
{Unwatched TV Show Documentaries} [Media Sub Type]=[TV Show] [Sub Category]=[DN]
{Watched Movie Documentaries} [Media Sub Type]=[Movie] [Sub Category]=[DNa]
{Watched TV Show Documentaries} [Media Sub Type]=[TV Show] [Sub Category]=[DNa]
Level in View Hierarchy The View Detail window should include{Documentaries} The Details window isn't available at this level
{Unwatched Movie Documentaries} Nothing
{Unwatched TV Show Documentaries} "Series" with expression TVInfo(SeriesDisplay), and "Season" with expression TVInfo(SeasonDisplay)
{Watched Movie Documentaries} Nothing
{Watched TV Show Documentaries} "Series" with expression TVInfo(SeriesDisplay), and "Season" with expression TVInfo(SeasonDisplay)
Does that help?
PS: It does take way longer to document these Views than to create and experiment with them. But it's not too bad. I don't modify my Views, but create new ones and try different versions that way. I'm hoping that by showing you different possibilities you, and other readers, will understand how the View work, and can build and tweak you won Views in future.