Thanks Mate! - but not very intuitive.... perhaps cound add "Colapse Tree Ctrl=G" to the right click menu on Audio, Images, Video etc. or somewhere on the tree have another triangle?
As just another user like you, I have no influence over that. But as a general comment, MC functionality is so deep that if everything was put on a right-click menu, the menu wouldn't fit on the whole screen!
So in the interest of "teaching a man to fish" rather than "feeding a man fish", all the shortcut keys are (I think) defined in the "Resource.xml" file found in the "C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 27\Data\Default Resources" directory, or if you have customised that file correctly, in the "C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 27\Data\Custom Resources" directory, for the 64bit version of MC. There may be some hardcoded exceptions to that, but I haven't investigated or made a list.
All the
Media Center Core Commands that those shortcuts call can be found in the Wiki.
So if you need to find a shortcut or function, look it up in the
Media Center Core Commands, where a search for "collapse" will find:
25016 MCC_TREE_SET_EXPANDED 0: collapsed; 1: expanded
Then look up the MCC number in the Resource.xml file, where you will find:
<Entry Key="Ctrl;G" Command="25016" Param="-1" TranslateFlags="2" />
Along with instructions on how to read that.
Hint: the Parameter of "-1" means toggle the current state.
See, easy!