I've been messing around with this and have a bit of an issue. PlaylistTime() returns a human readable hh:mm:ss string (not zero padded). This makes doing calculations with it nearly impossible.
ConvertDate does not seem to be able to work with it. Which means you really can't do math with it because you can't get it into MC's internal format. Sure I can do the math myself by converting hours, minutes, and seconds into the MC format. But the problem is I then need to manipulate the string in a very complex way to optionally extract hours, optionally extract minutes, etc, and THEN combine them with the correct math into MC's format.
Perhaps I'm missing something about ConvertDate which would allow it to read a string like "11:23" and convert that into 11 minutes and 23 seconds or 0.007905 in MC's format. With that value I could then calculate: Now() + [my offset] and then finally run that through FormatDate in order to show the start time of the next song, as the OP was asking for.
Any ideas?