First of all, let me just say how great many of the new features are. In particular, the combination of thumbnail and sticky views have opened up a whole new way to use Media Center. The also lead to my questions/thoughts.
Right now, I want to use the group by album thumbnal view as my main browsing view when in the Media Library. However, there are two hitches:
1) Since I have a number of Multiple Artist albums, they currently dispersed willy-nilly throughout my Library, even to the point of splitting up multiple album sets. It seems to be sorting by the 1st alphabetical artist on the album. Even if I choose Sorting: Album_Artist (if I do the sort without the underscore, it just sorts by Album), it still seems to do it. Help!
2) I'd like to be able to use the keyboard to move around the screen, and right now the Tab key jumps between the tree view and the find wizard. Please add the actual library window so that I can cursor around it and hit enter to send an album to Playing Now.
Getting very close!!!!