Short answer, no.
You won't be able to get them to sync correctly. It might not be *bad* but it really will not be ideal.
Long answer, yes you can chain / group D/A devices that have Word Lock (or use audio over IP standards, as those have timestamping) but you'll need studio gear.
Which sort of makes all of this a moot point since chances are, you'll end up with a unit that has more than enough D/A in itself.
Multichannel D/A has come a long way for consumers. MiniDSP has an 8 channel USB DAC but be warned, its performance leaves ALOT to be desired and you wont have volume control. I'm using a Topping DM7 which measures and functions really quite well. You can also grab older studio interfaces, sometimes for very cheap that may have excellent D/A sections. I grabbed a Studio Konnekt 48 for maybe $200 that was essentially, irreplaceable until I got the DM7. I kept buying newer studio units and none of them performed as well sonically. They had way better drivers, and way better control but just left something to be desired.