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Author Topic: New tag window isn't working for me  (Read 576 times)


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New tag window isn't working for me
« on: February 24, 2023, 05:07:20 pm »

I tried to pick a new template, from the list of templates, but whatever I pick doesn't change the tag window/field list.  i thought perhaps I needed to remove the existing fields, but now I'm stuck with a tag editor with no fields in it.  It doesn't matter which template I choose, I cannot update the tag editor from any of these templates.

Am i doing it wrong, or is this broken?
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Re: New tag window isn't working for me
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2023, 06:50:29 pm »

I have not played around with switching tag window templates in forever :-\.  To investigate, I just now tried switching between 2 custom audio templates I made many many years ago.

Nothing changed in my tag window after switching to the other audio template, but it did not result in having no fields at all either.  I also noticed that after I applied my "audio2" template, got out of the customize template dialog completely, and then returned for another attempt, the active template had reverted back to "audio1" with no intervention on my part.  So it seems like there must be some kind of bug going on, though it manifests a little differently for you and I.

That said, you are not necessarily stuck with an empty tag window. You can restore settings only from a previous backup, and I am nearly 100% positive you'll get your previous tag window back.



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Re: New tag window isn't working for me
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2023, 11:26:13 pm »

Things to remember...

The new tag window changes dynamically depending on the contents of the file list, and, selection within that list.
Each template is defined by a "search" rule.
MC will check the searches of the listed templates from top to bottom and use the first match.
If it exhausts the list without a match, it will use the "default" template.

This means you need to think about how your templates are arranged as the order is important.

In the screenshot below, both "Image" and "Image Test" use the template search rule "[Media Type]=[Image]"
The "Image Test" template will never be used as "Image" matches first.
If I were to move "Image Test" up, above "Image", then the statement above would be reversed and "Image" would never be used.

Hope that helps.

The "empty tag window" thing sounds to me as if a template with no tags added is being used. Either add them as required, or, use the "reset templates" option.



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Re: New tag window isn't working for me
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2023, 05:50:32 am »

Thanks Marko, I did no know that it behaves that way.  I tried selecting some various files, and come that I select do cause the tag window to populate, but others do not.  I've included a couple of screenshots showing an empty tag window.

Also, to be clear, I deleted the fields in the tag window myself, while trying to 'force it to reset' mostly because it did not matter what template I chose, none would stick.  I figured if I deleted all fields, that might get MC to override a blank window, which did not work.

I expected the tag window to allow me to pick a template and force that template to become the active set of fields in the tag window.

I see now that I have to edit templates to force it to match the content type, which is not at all obvious by the dialog box presented.

So, I guess it's not "broken", but it also doesn't work the way the old window does, which is not obvious, or easy to figure out without 'just knowing' the information you shared, which I did not know previously.
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Re: New tag window isn't working for me
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2023, 07:53:24 am »

I understand. The dynamic aspect of the new tag window is what makes it so powerful, and, once setup the way you want it, effortless.

I would start again. Reset templates to default, as shown in the attachment, then, with your newfound understanding, move on from there.

If you're still not reaching your goal, let us know your ultimate goal here in this thread and we'll be better placed to help.
When you click on the new tag window 'customise' button, the tool opens with the currently loaded template. Often, just adding a tag, or tag group you need to that template is enough, but if your needs go further, you might need a whole new template.

Let us know how you go  :)



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Re: New tag window isn't working for me
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2023, 12:07:48 pm »

The "Image Test" template will never be used as "Image" matches first.
If I were to move "Image Test" up, above "Image", then the statement above would be reversed and "Image" would never be used.
As usual, Marko the master is correct :)   I had completely forgotten you have to repeatedly press the Up button to move the desired template to the top of the list.  While no question it works, this method for choosing the desired template is very clunky. Back in the day when I used to make a lot of tag window templates, I now remember having to constantly press up up up & down down down trying to arrange all the templates in a sensible order.  There has to be a better way.

I expected the tag window to allow me to pick a template and force that template to become the active set of fields in the tag window.

I see now that I have to edit templates to force it to match the content type, which is not at all obvious by the dialog box presented.
I agree, and I think new and old users alike would benefit from a more efficient way to choose the desired template.  For example:
  • Make the drop down menu sort automatically into template groups for audio, images, video.
  • Then use radio style buttons buttons in the drop down list (that only allow you to select one option at a time) to choose your desired template(s) to eliminate constantly pressing the up/down buttons to switch amongst templates
Hopefully Matt is reading this thread and will make some great UI improvements for this functionality - just like he did when he made all those improvements to the "modern" tag window a year or so ago. Crossing my fingers.


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Re: New tag window isn't working for me
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2023, 12:53:18 pm »

How does your proposal accommodate the dynamic tag window changes?
Say you have a list that contains images and video, right now, the tag window changes according to the selected media type. If I'm understanding you correctly, you would prefer a static set of tags as defined in a rigid, fixed template selected by the user? I don't think I would like that. Is that not how the legacy tag window works?

Also, the whole "moving up and down" thing shouldn't be necessary... should it?

Just imagine the list of templates as a cascading search. For example, "[Media Type]=[Audio] [Genre]=Classical" above another template that is just "[Media Type]=[Audio]" would give you a select set of tags for classical music, whilst if not tagged as classical, the general set of audio tags would display instead.



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Re: New tag window isn't working for me
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2023, 01:45:20 pm »

If I'm understanding you correctly, you would prefer a static set of tags as defined in a rigid, fixed template selected by the user?
It is not that I want it to be rigid, but I guess I have never leveraged the "dynamic" aspect you describe. The reason that I love the Modern vs. Legacy tag window, is not the "dynamism", but rather the ability to put tags into logical custom defined groups. While I have never used, or even thought about for that matter, creating templates like your example, I get your point. I can see the power of that.

Regardless, now that I understand how the "1st applicable template found" approach can be dynamically utilized, I still doubt I will ever use it. I find my current my tag window set up more than satisfactory - a more intricate/dynamic template application will not improve my personal enjoyment of MC.

I was only trying to suggest a method for applying templates that might be easier and more intuitive - for new users and a bunch of us dumb old users.  But given your explanation, I guess nevermind.

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