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Author Topic: I want to count/enumerate all credits for a given artist. Help?  (Read 3528 times)


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And want to separate them: production credits and musician credits.  How to go about doing that?   Y'all are smart , I'm dumb AF.  Thank y'all.


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Re: I want to count/enumerate all credits for a given artist. Help?
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2023, 10:06:48 pm »

I did it by making/adding a library view.  You can go as far down the rabbit hole as you want as far as you choose.

I have added all the personnel manually for each song over a long time.  I imagine you could program a "scraper" from Music Brainz possible, but not sure, and they don't have everything.  I've used Discogs, Wiki, Music Brainz, and liner notes.  It's time consuming.  Then you'll have to come up with a method for delineating the instruments or production credits. 

I only do musicians for the most part, but I have done engineers and producers.  I do a listing in my field separated by semi-colon.  The order listed gives me the instrument played.  I go lead vocal, guitar, keyboards, bass, string instruments (ie violin, fiddle, etc.), trumpet, sax, trumbone, back-up singers, percussion, and drummer.  It works for me because I know who does what for the most part.  Like, I said it's time consuming and something I do when I first add an album to Media Center.  And, it can be near impossible to find a lot of credits listed from the past (i.e. session musicians).

Anyway, first add a field you can use  then add a view.  I have a view under "Audio" that uses a field I added called "Personnel" so it would order it as I listed above.  The "People" field won't do that.  You can call the new view anything you won't.  Mine is called "Artists Appearances".  It will show me every album and song any artist appears on. I also edited my Track Info template to list the musicians on each song as it plays.

Did I say it's time consuming?  Maybe someone will tell you a better way, but this works for me.  I hope I haven't muddied the explanation.


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Re: I want to count/enumerate all credits for a given artist. Help?
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2023, 12:16:51 pm »

I did it by making/adding a library view.  You can go as far down the rabbit hole as you want as far as you choose.

I have added all the personnel manually for each song over a long time.  I imagine you could program a "scraper" from Music Brainz possible, but not sure, and they don't have everything.  I've used Discogs, Wiki, Music Brainz, and liner notes.  It's time consuming.  Then you'll have to come up with a method for delineating the instruments or production credits. 

Yep there's no real one shot solution to this. Discogs is relatively comprehensive and has an API. More importantly, they also just provide database backups. You could pretty easily ingest them into the database system of your choice for querying or as a source for your files metadata. The thing is, the quality of the credits vary. You'll get some releases with correct liner note credits, others with the most basic of credits and even some, that go above and beyond the liner notes.

Music Brainz as you mention is another reliable choice but I've found that their credits can be lacking. You really need to pull out all the stops if you want comprehensive metadata.
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