Basic Info:
MJ 8.0.372
Glissando 5.2.a
2000+ .mpc audio files using Ape1.0 tags arranged as:
D:\...\Artist\Album\[Track] Artist - Title.mpc
There is a cover-art 'folder.jpg' file in each Album directory
MJ associates the correct folder.jpg file with all the .mpc files in each Album directory, but I think it has a small problem with the way the path to the auto-associated cover-art 'folder.jpg' is stored in the database...
If you open the properties window for one of the auto-associated files and look at the image tab, the location field simply shows 'linked to 'folder.jpg'' without any path information. This works fine for all the views within MJ, but Glissando fails to show any cover-art. The WebRemote status window confirms the problem with an error trying to find 'folder.jpg'.
If I manually link the files to the same 'folder.jpg' file the location field on the image tab now shows 'linked to 'D:\...\Artist\Album\folder.jpg'' as I would expect...
Seems like an easy bug to fix...