I've been using Media Jukebox/Media Center since version 7. While I'd never posted messages on Interact until the last couple of weeks, I've been lurking around for years. During this time I've gotten to know and appreciate many of you through your posts.
I've often tried to think of ways to repay KingSparta (for his awesome plug-ins) and others for all of the help that I've received over the years. I'd been unable to figure out how to contribute to the JRiver community.
A couple of months ago, I began writing my first Media Center plug-in, in hopes that others would be able to leverage my work to clean up there media files. I've used it successfully on many of my files. I can only hope that others find it useful as well.
What is aTagger? I'm glad you ask, aTagger automatically updates the ID3 tags of Media Center audio files with Artist, Album, Year, Genre, Styles, Tones, Type, Image, and Parental Advisory information from online sources.
aTagger is available for download at
http://atagger.auldridge.biz. I hope that you find it useful. Please remember that this is my first plug-in so it may not be as refined as the KingSparta plug-ins that you are used to using.
Oh, one more thing... Special thanks to KingSparta for his inspiration, scott_r for his .Net code samples and documentation, and DJ_Hazelwood for his suggestions and testing.
Enjoy... Alan