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Author Topic: Media Center 11.1.143  (Read 8359 times)


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Media Center 11.1.143
« on: March 10, 2006, 05:33:56 pm »

This is the latest version of MC 11.1.  Your MC11.0 license will work with it.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

PRICES for MC11.0 and 11.1 are here:;action=display;threadid=23311

This latest build of MC11.1 is here:

11.1.143 (3/10/2006)

1. Changed: Update the French translation. (thanks Tof!)
2. Changed: Updated all the translations to include the latest phrases from code, dialogs, etc.
3. NEW: Thumbnails now have drop shadows when drawing in lists or tiles.
4. NEW: Tiles links fade-in on mouse-over instead of being shown all the time.
5. NEW: Holding the mouse over the name in a tile will scroll through summary information of the tile.
6. Fixed: Podcast download/display/purge was confused by permanent database entries with a filename URL.
7. Fixed: The behavior for General\Double-Click and TheaterView\Jump on Play were not working correctly in languages other than english.

11.1.142 (3/9/2006)

1. Fixed: DVR-MS files were imported as audio.
2. Changed: Tiles use the full size when the stack contains one or less images.
3. Changed: Each time the program runs, a different image will be used for top image on a stack of images.
4. Changed: Updated Spanish translation. (thanks ferent)
5. Changed: When building thumbnails for a stack, all the top images will get built before working on underneath images.
6. Changed: Updated the German translation. (thanks bytestar)
7. Changed: Boxes no longer drawn around thumbnails.
8. Fixed: Under very rare circumstances, the media servers would prevent Media Center from shutting down.
9. Fixed: Switching views from the right-click of the library header bar could cause a crash.

11.1.141 (3/8/2006)

1. Fixed: Third party plugins (G-Force, etc.) could fight with cover art loading for the playing file, causing no art to appear.
2. Fixed: Blank lines in customized thumbnail text were not properly supported.
3. Changed: MC TV ignores analog device initialization failures if a digital TV device is present, so the users can continue using the digital device.
4. Changed: When cycling through a stack of tile images, the rotation order would appear strange when the thumbs hadn't been built. (1; 1,2; 1,2,3; 1,2,3,4; etc.)
5. NEW: Library tiles and view header images show many images as a pile of images. (instead of one totally covering the others)
6. Fixed: In some cases, playback would not automatically skip missing files.
7. Fixed: When editing a view scheme, saving "To All Locations" and "To Similar Locations" not working correctly.

11.1.140 (3/7/2006)

1. Changed: Updated Spanish translation. (thanks ferent)
2. Changed: Updated Portuguese translation. (thanks ChicoSelfs)
3. NEW: LAME gapless information is reported in Action Window > File Properties > File Type Info.
4. Changed: Use shorter descriptions for fields in Action Window > File Properties > File Type Info > MP3.
5. Fixed: In some cases, when Windows hid the mouse cursor during data entry, it wouldn't appear back right away as soon as the mouse was moved.
6. Fixed: The "Play" button on the view header would not work properly with a list that was in album grouping mode.
7. Changed: Increased the default buffer size for DirectSound playback. (NOTE: if you get clicks during playback, please increase buffering or switch modes in Options > Playback)
8. Fixed: The player core could dead-lock if an error was raised in certain circumstances.
9. Fixed: The analyze audio option in CD ripping wasn't working.
10. Fixed: "Sync all" option for portable devices was not creating all playlists on the device.
11. Fixed: We were not computing Podcast directory free space properly on Windows 2000.  This made it impossible to download anything.
12. Changed: We now bring Media Center to the front for one-click Podcast subscriptions.
13. Fixed: The escape key and apps/menu button wouldn't work with all display plugins from fullscreen.
14. Fixed: Gapless MP3 playback would not properly account for the decoder delay at the end of the file -- causing a possible pop.
15. Fixed: If Media Center ran out of disk space or encountered a memory error while saving a database field, the field could become corrupted.
16. Fixed: Adding a library entry now has a correct picklist.
17. Fixed: Get image from internet dialog now "picks" the default options.
18. Changed: Mime Types for content from Library Server now reflect the actual type insead of a Media Center application type.
19. Changed: "Feed URL" and "Episode URL" are no longer "user" fields.
20. Changed: Podcast Episode suffixes .mpg and .mpeg are now interpreted as media type video.

New Features in MC 11.1
Podcasting support, with OneClick Podcast subscription
Audible fully supported
Much improved handheld support for iPod, PlayforSure devices, and many others
User-configurable locations for media types on handhelds
iPod Shuffle and Nano support
Photos and album art on iPods that support it
Automatic backup of library
Directshow support for AAC files
Much faster handling of thumbnail images (requires one-time rebuild of thumbnails)
Integrated library and library browser system
Support for Dvico's FusionHDTV 5 USB
Improved translation system and several new languages
Perfectly gapless MP3 playback (when files were encoded with a recent version of LAME)
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2006, 05:59:33 pm »

Playlists seem to completely bypass Access Control settings.

If you have playlists that contain items with Ratings that are excluded in Access Control, those items still show up.

If you click on the "Playlists" tree item, it displays the entire library, even those items that shouldn't be showing up according to Access Control settings.


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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2006, 06:23:22 pm »

4. NEW: Tiles links fade-in on mouse-over instead of being shown all the time.

And cuts the album cover in the process...



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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2006, 07:19:26 pm »

For anyone wanting to view a screenshot of MC11 build 143 in action, here ya go: (sorry about the large size)
1680 x 1020 52(KB


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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2006, 10:27:18 pm »

Still not really sold on the stack thumbnail thing but the drop shadows are absolutely stunning.

Just when i think media center can't any better i am proved wrong, way to go.

TC  :)



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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2006, 10:34:20 pm »

The default "Customize Display" contains the string "[Elapsed Time] / [Total Time]" as though a slash were intended in between the elapsed time and the total time.  However, it appears that to obtain a slash, the "Customize Display" text needs a double-slash ("//").  A single slash is simply ignored, which evidently means it's silly to include a single slash in the text.

By the way, where is this data stored?  I uninstalled MC and reinstalled, and my "Customize Display" is back to the default.  I saved and restored the registry entries in HKCU and HKLM, and I backed up and restored my library.  Was there something else I should have saved?



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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2006, 10:57:49 pm »

Of the 20578 Ogg, MP3, and M4A files in my library, the [Sample Rate] field shows up blank for 7955 of them and displays a value for 12623 of them.  Why is this?



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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2006, 01:59:51 am »

The default "Customize Display" contains the string "[Elapsed Time] / [Total Time]" as though a slash were intended in between the elapsed time and the total time.  However, it appears that to obtain a slash, the "Customize Display" text needs a double-slash ("//").  A single slash is simply ignored, which evidently means it's silly to include a single slash in the text.

I just asked the same question recently.  Here is a thread that explains this:

Basically, here is the explanation for why it now works the way it does:

"/" is the escape character.  It let's you make special characters like ), (, [, ], etc. not get treated as special when parsing the expression.

To output a slash, use //.

It's a valid point to note that in the current builds, the "default" display uses a single slash, and that in this case it is NOT used as an escape character.  This single slash has, as you noted, no use -- it's simply a holdover from when a single slash WAS displayed.  It would seem that somebody should either remove this slash from the default display settings, or better yet, add a second slash so that it DOES display as it's really intended (i.e. as it used to in earlier builds of MC.)



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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2006, 02:20:40 am »

When I "log off" of my Audible account from withing MC, it causes an endless "Openning Page/Done" loop.  I can finally get it to stop by navigating somewhere else in MC, but when I return to the Audible page in the MC tree, it won't allow me to type in my login info anymore (can't get an "active" curser in the login fields.)  After a few moments I get an error which shuts down MC completely.

This is repeatable on TWO different systems using the 142 build of MC.

Thanks for any help with this,



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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2006, 02:38:32 am »

Mouse focus bug.

Even when MC is not the active application if the mouse is hovering over an artist with multiple albums it cycles thru them.

This is very annoying when you've just moved the mouse out of the way to do some typing in an app, e.g. MS Word, and it hits a tile.   You have sit and think to where to move the mouse now so it doesn't hit something active.


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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2006, 05:29:28 am »

Only just got to see the new style stacks.  I thnk it looks ok but this:

2. Changed: Tiles use the full size when the stack contains one or less images.

makes it look a little odd.  Would be better if all images were the same size.  Could there be a bit more space between to allow for a stack but keep the top cover the same size?

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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2006, 05:45:49 am »

11.1.143 (3/10/2006)

3. NEW: Thumbnails now have drop shadows when drawing in lists or tiles.
4. NEW: Tiles links fade-in on mouse-over instead of being shown all the time.
5. NEW: Holding the mouse over the name in a tile will scroll through summary information of the tile.

11.1.142 (3/9/2006)

2. Changed: Tiles use the full size when the stack contains one or less images.
7. Changed: Boxes no longer drawn around thumbnails.

all this looks fantastic. absolutely stunning work, thank you v much!

Just when i think media center can't any better i am proved wrong, way to go.

took the words right out of my mouth....


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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2006, 09:30:23 am »

MC is importing tracks I've played from  Cd's into the main database.

Also doing the same for tracks from handheld which I play from MC.


Actually it appears as if MC is auto importing everything into main library - even though I don't have this option set.


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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2006, 09:42:05 am »

This has been is also happening to me.  I'm going back a build.

MC is importing tracks I've played from  Cd's into the main database.

Also doing the same for tracks from handheld which I play from MC.


Actually it appears as if MC is auto importing everything into main library - even though I don't have this option set.


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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2006, 12:28:20 pm »

This has been is also happening to me.  I'm going back a build.

Last build had the problem too - not sure exactly which build the problem started with.


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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2006, 05:22:54 am »

I am having trouble playing some files back from the media Server.

An example of a file filepath that won't play back is;

X:\Music\WMA\Slovak Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra\Brandenburg Concertos #4 #5 #6\Slovak Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra - Concerto #4 - Allegro.wma

If I change this to
X:\Music\WMA\Slovak Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra\Brandenburg Concertos 4, 5 and 6\Slovak Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra - Concerto No. 4 - Allegro.wma   
then it plays back fine, so I assume the "#" is causing the problem.



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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2006, 05:27:45 am »

Found an intersting bug.  I have a calculated field that adds the album date to the album so they are sorted chronologically.  The field is called Album (sorted) but the display name was set as Album (By Year).  In panes the auto pluralisation feature was turning this into Album (By Years)  which was wrong...should be Albums (By Year) so I tried changing the display name to Album.  Take into account the field is still called Album (sorted).  When I did a rename files from properties it containing Album eg the genuine Album field it was using the calculated field to rename instead.  Should the display name affect things in this way??

Hope this makes sense.

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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2006, 06:09:04 am »

11.1.143 (3/10/2006)

1. Changed: Update the French translation. (thanks Tof!)

Problem of translation with the ' Add to Playing Now': ' Add to Morceaux en cours' is visible  :-[

Is this normal that MC do not manage the double screen? (Or is this a bug?)
I try to watch a film, with MC, on my tele which is connected to the PC and I obtain a fixed image (but the sound is correct).  :o
Windows Media Player functions very well thus.  :P


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Bug in Add to Playing now sequence.
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2006, 08:57:14 am »

What's up with the sequencing when adding an album to playing now? Adding an album from thumbnail view adds the tracks in order of duration (length of the track) from shortest track to longest track. However, in tree view the tracks are added to Playing Now in track order (preferred method).

Shuffle mode is OFF:

1) Thumbnail view (or details view), Artists, View Albums, Right Click an album then Add To Playing now - ALWAYS adds the tracks to Playing Now in order of track Duration regardless of which column heading is active for sorting (track, name, etc). <BAD>

2) Tree view, Audio, Artist, Right click - Add To Playing Now - adds tracks to Playing Now in TRACK order. <GOOD>


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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2006, 09:20:19 am »

Bug: When connected to Library Server, if you lose connection or a track can't be played, it's marked as played and gets updated [Last played] and [Number Plays].


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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2006, 04:31:45 pm »

Found in .140:
If you import an .avi through windows explorer, explorer.exe restarts. The bottom toolbar in windows disappear and reappear, taskbar icons recreates.

pepe lopex

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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2006, 05:45:46 pm »


The keyboard shortcuts in the main menu (File, Edit, View,...) maintain the combination assigned in the original translation and it is not used of the translation (Spanish, in this case).

For example, the original menu 'File' (&File - > shortcut ' F '), in Spanish would be translated as 'Archivo' (&Archivo - > shortcut ' A ').

Nevertheless, when the version translated in Spanish is activated, although is the emphasized one correctly, the short cut that works is the original in English (Alt+F, instead of Alt+A).

The rest of short cuts in each menu and submenu is marked and worked correctly.
MC Spanish personal translation: MC en espaņol: Espaņol (ES) -->

Alex B

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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2006, 02:42:16 am »

Bug: When connected to Library Server, if you lose connection or a track can't be played, it's marked as played and gets updated [Last played] and [Number Plays].

This is by design. The server's playcount works differently than a standalone MC's playcount. The server counts served files. Since it receives no feedback from the client's playback engine it has no way to know what happens after starting the streams.
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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2006, 04:58:54 am »

This is by design. The server's playcount works differently than a standalone MC's playcount. The server counts served files. Since it receives no feedback from the client's playback engine it has no way to know what happens after starting the streams.
I forgot to mention; it's the CLIENT that has this behaviour...sorry!


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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2006, 07:37:23 am »

I don't mind the mouseover link list now even though it cuts a little of the album cover off. But in small tiles, there is a View link along with a down arrow. At first I thought these were two different things. Can you please get rid of the space between the two so that one can tell that View and the down arrow are the same thing?


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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2006, 09:05:15 am »

In Playlists/"Top Hits", sequence field is showing all zeroes, where it was formerly the number of plays in descending order, up to version 11.1.142.  Same for "Sequence" in recently played.


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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2006, 12:15:08 pm »

When trying to create CD Covers via the CD Labeler, the wizard runs well for the first call. After the second call for either the same or any other collection of titles, the track list for the inlet (back side) will not get printed anymore - just the outlines. Additionally, after a non deterministic number of calls for the main application from the wizard OR directly, one will get the notorious runtime error that has been around some time ago:

(the labeler issue has been reported here too:

System Info:
Media Center Registered 11.1.142 -- D:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 11\

Microsoft Windows XP  Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Intel Pentium III 547 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 261 MB, Free - 88 MB

Internet Explorer: 6.0.2900.2180 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.2900 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.2900 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.2900 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping /   Drive F: LITE-ON LTR-52327S        Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive G: LITEON  CD-ROM LTN403L    Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive H:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive I:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: Yes /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  Drive F: LITE-ON  LTR-52327S         Addr: 1:0:0  Speed:52  MaxSpeed:52  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: Yes /

Regards, Marcus


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Re: Bug in Add to Playing now sequence.
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2006, 01:43:36 pm »

What's up with the sequencing when adding an album to playing now? Adding an album from thumbnail view adds the tracks in order of duration (length of the track) from shortest track to longest track. However, in tree view the tracks are added to Playing Now in track order (preferred method).

Shuffle mode is OFF:

1) Thumbnail view (or details view), Artists, View Albums, Right Click an album then Add To Playing now - ALWAYS adds the tracks to Playing Now in order of track Duration regardless of which column heading is active for sorting (track, name, etc). <BAD>

2) Tree view, Audio, Artist, Right click - Add To Playing Now - adds tracks to Playing Now in TRACK order. <GOOD>

It honors your sorting.  At the top right of the library view, pick a different sorting from the "Options" link.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Bug in Add to Playing now sequence.
« Reply #28 on: March 13, 2006, 02:00:14 pm »

It honors your sorting.  At the top right of the library view, pick a different sorting from the "Options" link.

Matt, sorry I may not have been clear in my previous post.

The problem is that when Albums are added to Playing Now by selecting them FROM the Library view - the tracks are added to Playing Now and appear there in acending Duration order.

However, when an Album is selected from Tree View, it's tracks are added to Playing Now in track order.

Go through the steps I posted and you'll see what I mean.


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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #29 on: March 13, 2006, 03:41:12 pm »

Hi All at MC,
All my CDA icons have turned BLUE. THis is with V11.1.143. I reloaded a recent backup they were gold again then in one fell swoop got the blues. Any Ideas anybody. This is on a new dell laptop Insp 6000 3 months old.
Thanks tangodude
Media Center Registered 11.1.143 -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 11\

Microsoft Windows XP  Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Intel Unknown 164 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 2096 MB, Free - 1572 MB

Internet Explorer: 6.0.2900.2180 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.2900 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.2900 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.2900 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping /   Drive D: _NEC    DVD+-RW ND-6650A  Mode:ModeSecure  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive Q:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive T:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: No /  Get cover art: No /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  Drive D: _NEC     DVD+-RW ND-6650A   Addr: 1:0:0  Speed:16  MaxSpeed:24  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /
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Re: Bug in Add to Playing now sequence.
« Reply #30 on: March 13, 2006, 04:01:23 pm »

Matt, sorry I may not have been clear in my previous post.

The problem is that when Albums are added to Playing Now by selecting them FROM the Library view - the tracks are added to Playing Now and appear there in acending Duration order. However, when an Album is selected from Tree View, it's tracks are added to Playing Now in track order.

Matt found the problem! Go into Panes->Customize Current View->Sort Order. Whatever sort order is defined there dictates the order in which the tracks are added to Playing Now. Even when picked from Artist/Album/Genres view - but NOT tree view. Go figure.  :P

Alex B

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Re: Media Center 11.1.143
« Reply #31 on: March 13, 2006, 05:20:33 pm »

Here is playback order bug, which I can repeatedly reproduce:

When I right-click an album tile and select Play, MC may send the album in incorrect track order to the Playing Now if the current view contains image files besides the music files. This happens with many different albums.

For example, this album:

plays always in this order:

The image files are correctly displayed in a slide show, but the track order is apparently arbitrary. However, if the album files are send to Playing Now some other time the track order is exactly the same.

Here is an XML library data export of the album files: U2_Boy.mpl

The tiles are set to use A-Z view order and the bottom view scheme uses this:

In the same view scheme some other albums with image files play in the correct track order. I have tried, but I can't find a reason for the different behavior.
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