So I played with this a little and I am finding the split view too cumbersome... One of many things that I don't like is that if I have a playlist in one pane and the Audio library in another and I do search, the search is global, so it searches both the playlist and the library, which I don't usually want to have happen.
All I would want for eternal happiness is that when I make a selection in the Audio library it is saved until I clear it. So that I could do a search for "Eminem," drag a track to a playlist, open the playlist to shuffle things around, come back to the Audio library and still have the Eminem search results in place. Or, if I select a genre of "80s Pop" I want the library to show that selection forever until I either 1) Exit the program or 2) reset the Genre section to "All."
Is that possible? For instance, you have a setting "
Save changes on list header clicks" I wish something similar was possible so that the Audio library doesn't reset itself every time you move the focus away from it.
Any ideas?