I posted about the CD dialogue recently, Matt, because I thought it had the function, Return>tabs down to next field and leaves it open for editing. It does not. I think what I and others are asking about is a toggle to allow a user to simply edit without F2 (or right click rename). Honestly, F2 slows me down a lot, especially when filling tags from info contained in a .txt file open in another window. Especially when editing a cd of various artists, for example, it would be intuitive for the Return key to act as Tab or move to the next field directly below
while leaving open for edit. Having to constantly key the down arrow is really annoying for lack of a better term; I am a decent typer but this just seems to destroy my workflow (so maybe I am not so good at data entry

I do a lot of tag editing in MC, and i think it could be made much more efficient, especially for the advanced user who is not afraid to toggle such a setting on or off.
If MC could be set to a Excel spreadsheet mode (just a single click to edit a field), the user could move fast both within MC and between MC and other windows' info e.g. Internet browsers, spreadsheets, & documents.