Are there any ways to control play lists without using MC? I would love it if there was a way to directly edit a text file because I could create a program that would allow me to create play lists through a web site or something like that.
I have to, currently, log in through logemin and control my server remotely to then setup playlists. This works fine but is extra hassle.
If I can directly edit the play list file, I could write a simple perl program on my web server that would read in the file, parse it and display playlists. Then, my program would write a new file upon editing. It could either be copied to the MC database location by a batch script or some other automated system.
NEXT: the library server doesn't seem to allow users to edit parts of the database. If I edit things like rating songs, I don't think they show up. Is there a way to get around this? I would like to have full access if possible. I could use this to create play lists which would be a little simpler than logging into my server.