Hi John,
Short answer. The private build indicates UTF-8 coding however the characters are not encoded correctly for UTF-8. It still looks like the coding never chaged. (I may be wrong, still learning this)
I'm am looking at two characters, é and 聽. The é is coded as 0xE9 and the 聽 is coded at 0x3F or ASCII ? as before. . . . . Also figured out that Twonky did it right and the Denon can't display what I need anyway.
Longer answer for those who want to know and also with a Denon and want more than basic ASCII
I taught myself a little more about Unicode to UTF-8 as I had misunderstood one websites description. Reading
http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3629.html cleared that up.
Also found a useful site for quick conversion from Unicode to UTF-8 to save pen and paper http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~richard/utf-8.html
My orignal confusion was [believing] Unicode values were already UTF-8 and needed no more "encoding" - Big mistake.
Based on this all standard ASCII (00 - 7F) will be the same, in my case the following should occur: -
Character Unicode Value UTF-8 Hex Value ? 0x3F 0x3F
é 0xE9 0xC3A9
聽 0x807D 0xE881BD
As you can see the E8 81 BD is the same string that the Twonky server used for the 聽. Have no idea what Microsoft was using :-)
Based on that the Denon is not capable of displaying the CJK character set. Just for the record this uncovered another couple of bugs in the Denon as the XML charset is UTF-8 however the character é is incorrectly (I think) coded as Latin 0xE9 and the front panel still displays é, however the OSD display shows just a plain "e" ? Will tell Denon about this but guess the response will be the same as for the headers issue. <sound of silence>
Based on this, unless I'm wrong about the coding, I don't see much point is continuing. This has proved that even if MC did code other charsets the Denon would not display them anyway. It can't even handle Latin-1 characters using the OSD. Unless others want to see this support (Some people may as Roku can display this) More than happy to continue testing, however it will be using Wireshark and the tools on the web to decode what is sent :-)
Thanks John for your help, much appreciated, all I can say is I'm very happy with the sound of my Denon and the other features, but I'm very disappointed with there UPnP support, especially as they are a Japanese manufacturer and can't handle international characters! MC12 rocks and would not even consider moving to Twonky even if it did display correctly.