Can I just say...
Wow. I really like this. Great work guys. I assume we'll eventually see some documentation on building our own plugins?
Couple relatively small (I think) requests for the RSS Feed viewer:
1. We need to be able to configure the fonts for the text somehow. Completely unreadable on my TV from the couch.
2. When we can eventually add our own feeds, it'd be nice to be able to organize them into "folders" or "categories" (ala-bookmarks). That would cut down on first-page clutter and make it easy to navigate to the feed we want to look at.
I also don't know if it's possible at all (might not be worth the effort), but it'd be really nice if we could get alternate sources for the weather information. has pretty terrible accuracy for me here, unfortunately (it seems to me that the focus a lot more on urban areas than rural ones).
Weather Underground does a much more reliable job generally.