I've checked all the paths in the Blue Too's MAIN.XML file and they are all relative so it should not matter where it is installed but to double check do you have the following installed:
..\Shared\Base 1.xml (under your "D:\Multimedia\j River\Media Center 12\FullSkins" folder)?
You normally don't even to reload MC12 it should just appear with the Folder Name as the Skin Name.
I uninstalled previous MCversion
I installed MC 12.0.329 in C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12
I Registered my free trial version (fast & OK with Paypal)
There is "Base 1.xml" (22/08/2007) in:
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\FullSkins\Shared
I Downloaded LanceD's BlueToo skin at
http://accessories.musicex.com/mediacenter/mc_data/plugins/808.mjp..and Installed :
=> "Media Center is about to install a component. Do you wish to continue ?"
=> Downloading..Package : Blue Too
=> Connecting
=> Downloaded 11xxxKo
=> Package was succesfully installed
Now, C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\FullSkins\Blue Too\ folder exists
I Copied to the "C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\FullSkins\Blue Too\Pictures"
folder the following two files (News and Weather graphics):
=> newsfeed_logo.png
=> weather_logo.png
These 2 files copied in "C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\FullSkins\Blue Too\Pictures\"
I Downloaded, the file
http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=40645.0;attach=48=> main.txt
Then I Renamed it to MAIN.XML
and Copy it to the "C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\FullSkins\Blue Too" folder.
(It replaced previous file main.xml)
Launch MC
Theater View
=> in this list, there are only : Acajou, Glass, Hairstlyle, Noire & Obsidian
No Blue Too

Nb :
This was on my XP SP2 Laptop
Exactly the same problem on my Vista Home Laptop
No chance with this process

Any idea ?