I dropped the money for MC12 thanks to this forum and Audible books support, in particular the second to none playlisting of DRM files.
I've mention this program to others, but the feedback is the learning curve and the over-whelming power of the options is too much trouble...
... This is not really

being lazy, spoiled maybe…
This program really shines and the DEV's have given allot of love to this player.
<group hug>

John, your better half hit the nail on the head, but not just the newbs, the totally clueless need a starting point "How to guide"
There are allot of PO'd WMP11 and iTooters who need to see the light.
I could not even guess how you folks could simplify a Getting Started Guide with such a complex (and evolving) program, not to mention some users no mater how well the instructions are laid out will not even glance at it...
Sometimes it would be easier to tell my friends to just repack their shiny new 'puter and return it to the store. <shakes head> They’ll live longer and that pending stroke will go end up with that evil ’puter <evil grin>
So, how does one please EVERY end user? Good luck!