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Author Topic: Request: A new Album Thumbnail mode for images  (Read 2122 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Request: A new Album Thumbnail mode for images
« on: February 29, 2008, 02:56:28 am »

Request: A new Album Thumbnail creation mode for images


My problem : I cannot find how to gather in a Same images album, all the pictures coming from an specific event

examples :
one album for my last Christmas party
one album for my last New-York trip
one album for my little cat pictures

Question :
How to do this ?

Perhaps the solution would come from an new MC add-on like this one ? :

-> "Create ONE album for each predefined time period"

Each album would gather every picture that have the corresponding creation date

The time period would have to be previously defined in the sorting setup menu:

Example :

If I set the Time period rule to "one month", I would have :
One album for all pictures created in January 2007
Another  album for all pictures created in February 2007
Another album for all pictures created in March 2007

If I set the Time period rule to "3 months", I would have:
One album for all pictures created from  January 2007 to March 2007
Another album for all pictures created in April  2007 to June 2007
Another album for all pictures created in July 2007 to September 2007

This sorting mode would be useful, to TRY TO gather in a same album all pictures from one event ?

What do you think ?

Thanks for all & Best regards from France


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Re: Request: A new Album Thumbnail mode for images
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2008, 03:18:35 am »

Have you tried the new stack function?
Can't say for sure as I have not tried it much my self yet, but I belive it would do much of what you want.
I guess you could also use the nesting capabilities in some way to manually make albums and tag the tracks accordingly.
- I may not always believe what I'm saying


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Request: A new Album Thumbnail mode for images
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2008, 09:42:16 am »

Have you tried the new stack function?
Can't say for sure as I have not tried it much my self yet, but I belive it would do much of what you want.
I guess you could also use the nesting capabilities in some way to manually make albums and tag the tracks accordingly.

Sorry, but I don't find any manner to create separate albums, with one album by event
... even if each event match with  a specified directory ...

(I always create for each event a specified folder inside Picture directory on my Home Server :
it's to gather all the pictures coming from the same event

But impossible with MC to retrieve this classification :(  , with one thumbnail for each event..

Any help would be nice !! :)



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Re: Request: A new Album Thumbnail mode for images
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2008, 11:36:58 am »

rightclick on the pictures. fill properties from filename. select directories [album]. this fills in the album tag with the name of the folder. now set the view to albumview.

does that do what you are after.
for security, back up lib first and try a few.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Request: A new Album Thumbnail mode for images
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2008, 02:52:36 am »

rightclick on the pictures. fill properties from filename. select directories [album]. this fills in the album tag with the name of the folder. now set the view to albumview.
Hi gappie,

Thanks for your idea :)
I didn't understand exactly your process .., but I tried (and succeeded), to  fill-in the album tag of some pictures with the name of their folder, following this  :

- Images in List mode
- Order by sub-directory
- Select all the pictures inside one sub-directory
- Right Click on the block selected
- Tag
- Write the Directory name in The Album tag zone
- Return

After, I added the "Album" column to the list mode, so I can order the pictures, classified by Album name order

In Album Thumbnail mode, there is one thumbnail by album : Ok
BUT ... Problem :
By clicking on one album thumbnail, there are only playing diaporama, not displaying a new child page with one thumbnail by picture :(

But my problem is bigger, with this method of "Tagging" each picture :

-(1)- : It's a very Loooong time to tag the pictures because, on my Home server, there are in "Photos" directory :
320 directories (One by event)
16 975 Images
2,58 Go

-(2)-  I have 4 PC with MC12 on each and one distant home server with data :
=> With this loooong tagging method, I must update 4 databases, one by PC  ??

In French, we use to say, to  critic some politics :
"Why making simple, if we can do it complicated"

I don't think there are French guys in J River staff, to make the things complicated ..
but why tagging each image to tell it where it is ?
(Put "directory name" as the "album tag" is exactly that !)

Simple things are the best :

Remember, some months ago, my request to automatically use as cover, the JPG file that have the same name as the Video file : JRiver staff made the tip and it's so nice now ! :)

Can I suggest something simple to the J River MC12 staff ?

To automatically LINK an IMAGE to an ALBUM, can you add this rule (which can be checked or unchecked) :

"The Album name is equal to the sub directory name where an image is stored"

So: No more need to tag anything :
When we choose images album thumbnail mode, MC12 classify the images by album exactly like the images are stored on the hard disk(s) : one album = one subdirectory

=> Is this request totally impossible to solve ?

Thanks for all @ best regards :)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Request: A new Album Thumbnail mode for images
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2008, 03:46:44 am »

Edit 10:39

I founded the process you described to me :)
I resume:

Images in any mode (list, thumbnails or album thumbnails)
click on an image to select one
edit / select all
rightclick on the selected block
Library tools
Fill properties from filename.
Select Directories [album].
(= Directories [ x ]  [Album] )
Deselect Filename
(= Filename [  ]  [Artist] [Name])

=> this fills-in the album tag with the name of the folder.

BUT Problem :( :(  :
The name used for album tag is not the (only useful for an event) Root sub-directory name but the last child sub-directory name :
directories :  / PHOTOS / Travel in Paris / My sister / On Monday /
The ideal Album Tag  should be "Travel in Paris" (root sub directory name)
but it's now set to "on Monday" which is the last child sub-directory name :(


So 2 problems :
The sub-directory error name
The very looong and non automatic method.;
-> so, what about my more simple idea for AUTOMATIC classification :

Album = Root Sub-Directory name

Thanks for all :)


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Re: Request: A new Album Thumbnail mode for images
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2008, 06:25:34 am »

Hi Jean-Max

Take a look at this to see how to get a folder name from filepath.

There is lots of flexibilty here as everyone has different requirements.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Request: A new Album Thumbnail mode for images
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2008, 06:31:00 am »

Hi Jean-Max
Take a look at this to see how to get a folder name from filepath.
There is lots of flexibilty here as everyone has different requirements.

Thanks ,

The link you tell about, talks about wildcard system on one or more levels (Example : \*\*)

My Question :
=> Can this wildcard system, be used  to  fill-in the album tag of my images, with the name of their root folder ? (the only thing I am looking for, without constant success (*),

In the following process I (try to) use ,
=> WHERE can-I introduce the wildcard ?:

Images in any mode (list, thumbnails or album thumbnails)
click on an image to select one
edit / select all
right-click on the selected block
Library tools
Fill properties from filename.
Select Directories [album].
(= Directories [ x ]  [Album] )
Deselect Filename
(= Filename [  ]  [Artist] [Name])

(*) I want to have as Image album tag, ALWAYS the root subdirectory name "Dir1" , in all these different cases :

Dir1 / Image.jpg
Dir1 / Dir2 / Image.jpg
Dir1 / Dir2 / Dir3 / Image.jpg
Dir1 / Dir2 / Dir3 / Dir4 / Image.jpg

=>  If it's possible, can you write here the exact setup ?

Thanks for all, and .. for your patience ;)


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Re: Request: A new Album Thumbnail mode for images
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2008, 06:59:18 am »

you could try an other approach
say all your images are on  F:/ PHOTOS / Travel in Paris / My sister / On Monday /

now in tags select a picture and in album fill in 
Code: [Select]
=ListItem([Filename (path)], 2, \)
what this does is fill in 'travel in paris' into the album tag. independent from howmany directories are after 'travel in paris'

you can find about this command here:


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Request: A new Album Thumbnail mode for images
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2008, 09:25:00 am »

you could try an other approach
say all your images are on  F:/ PHOTOS / Travel in Paris / My sister / On Monday /
now in tags select a picture and in album fill in 
Code: [Select]
=ListItem([Filename (path)], 2, \)what this does is fill in 'travel in paris' into the album tag. independent from howmany directories are after 'travel in paris'
you can find about this command here:

Thanks gappie :)
Your suggestion goes in the good way for me :)
... and I tried it  :

My test structure is exactly this one :
\\Home-server-p3\ Photos \ Travel in Paris \ My sister \ On Monday \ Image.jpg

What I made:
Select the picture "Image.jpg" in Image list mode
Search "Album" zone in Tag
Replace previous datas in "Album" zone by "=ListItem([Filename (path)], 2, \)"

Say all your images are on  F:/ PHOTOS / Travel in Paris / My sister / On Monday /
what this does is fill in 'travel in paris' into the album tag. independent from howmany directories are after 'travel in paris'

NO : The result for the new album tag is now : "Home-server-p3" 
("Home-server-p3" is the name of my MS Home server because there is no Partition Letter like "F" on a Server 2003 system)

Remember my test structure is :
\\Home-server-p3\ Photos \ Travel in Paris \ My sister \ On Monday \ Image.jpg

So I tried this : 4 instead of 2

=ListItem([Filename (path)], 4, \)

-> It's OK !! : the new image album tag is Travel in Paris :)

And 4 is OK for all levels ! :)

\\Home-server-p3\ Photos \ Travel in Paris \ My sister \ On Monday \ Image.jpg
\\Home-server-p3\ Photos \ Travel in Paris \ My sister \ Image.jpg
\\Home-server-p3\ Photos \ Travel in Paris \ Image.jpg

So ...
=> How the count is made by the system, to be always good with 4 ? :
(and there is never 4 levels from Image to Travel in Paris..)

Thanks for all :)

Another Aspirin ?



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Re: Request: A new Album Thumbnail mode for images
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2008, 11:25:43 am »

So I tried this : 4 instead of 2

=ListItem([Filename (path)], 4, \)

-> It's OK !! : the new image album tag is Travel in Paris :)

And 4 is OK for all levels ! :)

\\Home-server-p3\ Photos \ Travel in Paris \ My sister \ On Monday \ Image.jpg
\\Home-server-p3\ Photos \ Travel in Paris \ My sister \ Image.jpg
\\Home-server-p3\ Photos \ Travel in Paris \ Image.jpg

So ...
=> How the count is made by the system, to be always good with 4 ? :
(and there is never 4 levels from Image to Travel in Paris..)

Great that it worked Jean-Max.
that the 4 is allways working for you. well. the =ListItem([Filename (path)], 4, \) looks at the filename path, deviding it in items set by the '\'. since it starts at 0 from the left.
the '\\' is 0 and 1, the 'Home-server-p3\' is 2, the 'Photos \' is 3, what comes after that is 4.

Another Aspirin ?
yeah... i hate this flu.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Request: A new Album Thumbnail mode for images
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2008, 12:58:04 pm »

Great that it worked Jean-Max.
that the 4 is allways working for you. well. the =ListItem([Filename (path)], 4, \) looks at the filename path, deviding it in items set by the '\'. since it starts at 0 from the left.
the '\\' is 0 and 1, the 'Home-server-p3\' is 2, the 'Photos \' is 3, what comes after that is 4.
yeah... i hate this flu.

Perfect :)

! POP ! is Champain opening sound ! : It's much better than Aspirin :)
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