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Author Topic: Windows Explorer Problem  (Read 2001 times)


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Windows Explorer Problem
« on: January 03, 2009, 01:32:48 pm »

I installed my Trial Music Center Ver12 and have been experimenting with moving over to it (to buy it for our networked household) from orphaned MusicMatch 10.  I've not installed it on any other computers so far, but on this one, now when I look at any hard drive's folders, sub-folders or sub-sub-folders (etc)--any one and every one--the Details view columns have all changed to Artist, Album Title, Track Number, Duration, Name, etc!  This was obviously a result of using Music Center.

I couldn't find anywhere how to restore my directory columnar displays back to what they were before I installed Media Center; that is, Type, Date Created, Date Modified, Size, etc.  I know how to change each Folder back individually manually one at a time, but I have literally hundreds to change.   Unless you tell me how to do it in a batch, or some other way, I'm concerned that every computer I install Music Center on will suffer the same fate.
I'm certainly not going to spend $40 on this program that I otherwise find very good until I get an answer why this happened, how to prevent it and how to fix it.


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Re: Windows Explorer Hijacked
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2009, 02:24:26 pm »

Are you using Vista? I believe that is a Vista feature. Your "Music" folder automatically lists those columns. Your "Pictures" and "Videos" folder will also be treated similarly.

To display as I think you're implying, right-click on your "Music" folder, click the "Customize" tab - in the "Use folder type as template" dropdown select "All items" and make sure "Also apply this template to all subfolders" is checked, then "Apply". That should do the trick.

I very much doubt J River Media Center would cause this to happen - this happens when you specify your Music folder in Vista.

If you're using XP, dunno what's up.


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Re: Windows Explorer Hijacked
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2009, 02:49:49 pm »

I'm certainly not going to spend $40 on this program that I otherwise find very good until I get an answer why this happened, how to prevent it and how to fix it.

By the way Greg, most of us here on the forums aren't too interested where you stick your $40, we're just other users like your good self.


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Re: Windows Explorer Hijacked
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2009, 03:58:27 pm »

Thanks for your help, Prod.
I am using up-to-date XP, not Vista.

All folders, even those that do not contain music files (like my word processing files, spreadsheets, etc), show their --what are they called, attribute?-- columns as music-related attribute columns. 

A column called "Track Number", for instance, has no reason being there except when I'm looking at the files in My Music folder.  But "Date Created" is very important when I'm looking at my correspondence, and that column (attribute) has altogether disappeared.

[post shortened by JimH for readability]


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Re: Windows Explorer Hijacked
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2009, 04:23:47 pm »

MC doesn't add columns to Windows Explorer.  I have seen Windows do that.

In Explorer, try right clicking on a directory and take a look at Properties/Customize.
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