if you get that message i guess its time to reorganize your library a bit and learn about the tools at hand (4th level in cats ? )
I'm afraid I do know them like the back of my hand
The problem is simple. MC, as opposed to other MC, allows great access to its database, by the means of Panes in Standard view so you can filter by any number of fields, or, for the more experienced users, by the means of expressions and panes and other combined tricks.
Moving to Theater View I can see 2 things:
1) the navigation (via rollers) in MC is much better than other MC apps I tried, definitely more flexible.
2) we're losing the power of database access since pretty much we're force-shaping it into a classic navigational behavior, which, as flexible as it is, will still make everything a maze.
I have to admit that I'm using the keyboard a lot when in Theater view since I'm working on the PC, testing, etc. However for the same testing purposes I switched the last weekend to heavy navigation with a remote (Logitech 890) and with my iTouch transformed into an AirMouse. Luckily I deem these devices together with my TV rather expensive because after 30 minutes of testing I was about to throw them at the TV screen, after an unbelievable no. of clicks, taps,etc to go from here to there.
This is not Tivo to press "Now Playing", pick your show, press Play, go. It gets kind of like 15 times more complex, since, guess what, we have the database, which we are pretty much accustom to work with.