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Author Topic: Connected Media: please allow more than 10 mins buffering, proper time shifting  (Read 1148 times)


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MC seems to be hardcoded to buffer only a maximum of 10 minutes of Connected Media URLs.

So, if I am playing an internet radio station and hit pause, go away for 30 minutes or so, then hit play, I will be listening to audio that is 10 minutes old.

I would like to buffer far more, so that I can pause for hours and still catch up from where I left off.  This also means I can then skip forward later and skip bits I don't want to listen to.

  • I would like this to be configurable, so that I can configure a much longer amount of buffering.
  • If at all possible, this setting should be configurable per URL, so I can have 60 mins for Radio X but 90 mins for Radio Y.  Failing that, a global setting affectig all URLs would be much better than nothing.
  • I would also like the buffering location to be configurable, so I can choose where it saves the temporary audio generated while the media is paused.  This only needs to be global, affecting all URLs.
  • It would be great if the resulting buffered audio could be saved to that folder in an understandable way; e.g. one folder created per URL, using the name given under My Connected Media.  This would mean one could access the saved buffered audio and choose to keep it permanently, simply by copying the files out of there.    So, I would chose e.g. a 120 minute buffer time, and then if something really good was played on the station, I would know that the last 120 minutes of audio were already available on my HDD and could be copied/kept.  This would be great functionality, with no few changes required to MC to accomodate it.
  • I assume that there are already TV-related settings for where to store time-shifted data, and how much to store, so perhaps time shifting of Connected Media could be integrated in there, and perhaps it would be a simple change to extend the TV time shifting to incorporate Connected Media also?

Thanks very much in advance.



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I don't think there is an MC limit of 10 minutes.  Maybe the site or the browser?
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