Has someone a better idea how I could manage this? Preferably with separation of the contained info (typical tracklist format is [track#]. [artist] - [title]).
You might consider this more trouble than it's worth, but it does what your asking for. As long as the track list files are in reasonably consistent format...
1. Copy all of them to one directory and append them into one file, writing the pathname (i.e., "[path]\somerip.mp3") to identify each session.
2. Import this into Excel and parse it into file pathname, session, track #, artist, track name.
3. In Excel, construct a batch command for each track—something like:
echo MC15.EXE [pathname] > \[session]\[track #]. [artist] - [track name].bat.
4. Copy the batch command column of the worksheet to a text editor, and save it as a BAT file. Run it in the root directory where you want to create the files. The idea is to create a batch file for every track that plays it's somerip.mp3, and which has a filename containing all the track list information.
5. Import these batch files to MC. They will import as
Data, so change
Media Type to
6. Use
Fill properties from filename to tag the files—as illustrated in the screen shot.
If your tracklists include duration, you should process that as well and save it in a custom field. Those might help you estimate where a track starts within it's file. If there are no breaks between the tracks, you could even compute the start position in Excel and put that in a custom field. Now if only there were a MC Core Command for playing a playback range...