I added files here and there in my music directory structure on my hard drive.
I'd like MC to update the library without having to import the folders one by one. Is that possible?
Can't I tell MC to look around for changes (deletions or additions) and update itself? I've tried many things without success. It seems to work for deletions but recent additions still aren't in the library. Do I have to be more patient and wait a few days? I would much prefer to ask MC to refresh everything when I tell it to.
WMP appears to be the only media software that deals well with people who want to organize their music in a Windows directory structure and have their media software keep up. iTunes is the worst for that. But MC puts out a far superior sound quality than WMP in a hi-fi system... so I would like to be able to work with MC.
The fact is that I have badly tagged music that is easy to find (and play by whole album) in a directory structure, but not in a tag-based database system. In my directory structure, files from one album are in one folder and I can find and play them all in a few seconds even they are badly tagged.