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Author Topic: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote  (Read 112894 times)


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #50 on: January 30, 2012, 10:41:11 am »

I went to that thread and found it written assuming a level computer savy vastly greater than mine...I had no idea what it was saying...I am into MC17 for the beauty of its audio result, not the complexity of its programing. When I need help, it is in the form of 'Open screen A, push the second button from the top'..not gibberish like this

 "Some routers only check the broadcast vs a netmask so if you set your lan to something like (valid addreses 1-126) you MAY be able to create a forward for the WOL packet to (the broadcast address on that net)."

I highlighted the parts not in English....



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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #51 on: January 30, 2012, 10:44:23 am »

Unless you've customized the router's network from defaults, this wouldn't apply to you.
The opinions I express represent my own folly.


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Would it be possible to add an option to Gizmo to pause (or mute) when a call is received, and resume (or un-mute) when the call is ended? The apps I use on my phone for controlling my Squeezeboxes have this, and I find it very useful -- especially when I'm playing music in my office.


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today i update to v 17.0.119
and now i can not connect to my server



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Try powering everything down and back up. 


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When going to 'Playing Now' in Gizmo, isit possible to move tracks up/down the playlist?

It would be cool if you could drag each individual track up/down to rearrange the playlist


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One way to make Gizmo better would be to have the screen buttons (back, home, recent apps) on the Galaxy Nexus disappear when watching video.


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I'm using an android and ios app called iRule to control MC, the android version can launch the gizmo app and i embed webgizmo in the ios version.

I then use http commands to control it for the most part, the play/pause command looks like this:


I would like to have a more specific command available.  The most common thing I list to is my randomly selected 4&5 star smart playlist.  Is there a way to send a command to play this playlist?  Is there a way to send a command to play a specific song? 

For the most part I'm just trying to cut down on button presses.  I have a macro in irule that turns on the receiver, sets the input, and launches gizmo.  It would be nice if from there I didn't have to press playlists>smartplaylists>4&5stars>play as well. 

The specific song is more just a silly idea, in my theater if I pressed the "Watch a movie" button I conceive of the lights dimming and the 20th Century Fox theme kicking in or other stuff like that.

I'm just wondering if the above code currently can be modified to play something specific and if so, how that code could be created and if it currently is not possible, is it something that cold be incorporated?



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Web Gizmo-

Why no pause button on the "now playing" page?

In the Android version on my tablet there is one?

Okay, sorry.... just realized the "play" button is also a "pause" button. Wasn't obvious to me.


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #59 on: September 05, 2012, 09:33:10 am »

Hi folks,

I have been using J River 17 for a while and are very happy with it. Decided to try Gizmo with my Samsung Galaxy S2 phone.
So download Gizmo from the market to my phone. Went into media network tab in JRiver on my laptop and ticked (use media network to share this library and enable DLNA). Then setup authentication with user name & password. Got access key and entered it into Gizmo (Enter a JRiver library server access key) and then press Go.

It then says attempting connection, displays the IP address it is trying to connect to, retries 4 times and then has a message saying
(There was a problem connecting to the server, please double check that you have entered the correct key, and that the server and your connection are working).

The IP address my router uses is , but when Gizmo on my phone is attempting connection the IP address in Gizmo is .

So I have checked the Access key is correct, and retried 4 times to get it to work, my router is working and I do have an internet connection. I am using this at home with our home network which uses a sky router and my laptop and phone are connected via WiFi.

All I want to do is use my phone as a remote to see my JRiver media files on my laptop so I can skip a song, change album etc.

Can anyone explain what might be happening or what I might be doing wrong as I can't get past this stage to even enter my user name and password.




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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #60 on: November 21, 2012, 09:50:45 am »

I recently purchased MC18 and I like the interface quite well. I am having difficulty setting up Gizmo to allow me to listen to my library whilst accessing with my Google Nexus 7 tablet from outside my LAN (it works just fine when the tablet is connected on the LAN). I read a number of the posts here in the Interact Forum to try to figure this out myself, but to no avail. I have a Netgear WNDR3400v2 router, and I set up port forwarding for 52199 as suggested in the Gizmo wiki page, but when I do the test connection to this server in the Media Network menu I am still getting the message that this library server is not reachable from the internet. I checked Windows firewall and created a rule (as suggested in a different thread) to allow access to 52199, but still no success. Could you please help me to resolve this issue? Thank you.


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #61 on: December 01, 2012, 12:24:23 am »

I have a question about the audio quality of streaming files when using Gizmo.
I just purchased (today) JRiver Media Center because it seems to fulfill most of my "Wish List" as far as media center software goes.
I purchased my Blu-Ray player (Panasonic DMP-BD87) because it could natively handle both FLAC and MKV files.
I have set my DLNA service up to "Never Convert" anything because of my players capabilities, but when I started checking into Gizmo,
I saw the "Audio Quality" and "Video Quality" settings have limitation below what my player is capable of (320kbps & 720p, respectively).

My question is:  If I'm using Gizmo as a controller between JRiver Media Center on my PC, and my Blu-Ray player (renderer - capable of full playback),
do these limitation come into play, or are they just for using my Android phone as the playback device?

I have no way to tell what bit rate, etc., my music is being played back at, and my Blu-Ray player is set to 16:9 full,
which means it may be upconverting the potential 720p video stream being sent from JRiver Media Center.


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #62 on: December 01, 2012, 06:43:34 am »

If I'm using Gizmo as a controller between JRiver Media Center on my PC, and my Blu-Ray player (renderer - capable of full playback), do these limitation come into play, or are they just for using my Android phone as the playback device?
No.  A Controller only starts up playback.  The Renderer and the Server do most of the rest.  There would be no conversion in your case.


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #63 on: December 12, 2012, 12:04:02 pm »

I experience a problem with gizmo and srt subtitles. Although they playback fine and synchronized along with their video file, They start from the beginning if i try to seek the video, desynchronising them completely.



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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #64 on: January 03, 2013, 06:21:43 pm »

Great little app I love it. I see you have not updated it in a while though and it could use a little work.

1. The play pause stop next ect buttons with light grey buttons on lighter grey background is hard to see at a distance. Small detail but since Gizmo is already using a dark theme why not keep the same color scheme for the buttons it would look more slick/professional.

2. Add an ability to edit playlists, Also would be nice to be able to delete a file right from the remote.

3. Not to insult anyone but the icon is well "ugly" maybe make it the same icon as the one we see in windows. Blue circle with play button inside.

4. When playing video to the device it does not hide the Back,Home and Task switch buttons like most video players do. Not a big deal for widescreen video seeing as it cant do much without degrading the video quality but for anything 4:3 its nicer to use up all the screen.

5. I noticed when streaming to the tablet at least in my case I cannot switch task without stopping playback and loosing position.

6. The icons when going into video music so on look like the kind of icon windows puts when there is no icon. Would really like to see that spruced up a bit.

Just a wish but it would be nice to have the meta data readable when browsing your files on the tablet. Perhaps with a swipe left or right on the title.

Apart from that amazing app and I use it now all the time to control MC18. Being able to select what I want it to play on my device and having it display on the TV is the perfect 2 screen experience.

I moved away from other media portals because I got tired of those 10 feet interfaces. They look nice but seem to get in the way of you and your content. Much quicker to select something off the tablet. It just flows better.

More then willing to pay for a premium version with some or all of those issues addressed. Please take my money :)

EDITED for grammar caused by spell jacking and added a few things.



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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #65 on: January 06, 2013, 12:50:14 am »

I have Gizmo controlling my MC to my Oppo 103 without any issues other than the way albums are listed under artists.....they are listed alphabetical and I would like them listed by there a way to do this?
These are listed correctly in the MC software on my computer, but not in Gizmo on my Kindle fire.


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #66 on: January 06, 2013, 07:48:53 am »

On the server, you can customize the Gizmo view.


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #67 on: January 06, 2013, 12:24:31 pm »

On the server, you can customize the Gizmo view.

Evidently, I am looking in the wrong places because all the changes have not made any difference with the way the albums show up in Gizmo. Can you give me detailed instructions on this so I can see where I am going wrong?

Never mind....I finally got it. While I think it is a convoluted process without any real instruction how to achieve what I set out to do, once found, it offers many great ways to customize your view.


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #68 on: January 07, 2013, 01:12:27 pm »

Could you please tell me if it is possible to view movie descriptions in Gizmo?


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #69 on: January 09, 2013, 02:03:33 am »

Could you please tell me if it is possible to view movie descriptions in Gizmo?

Anyone Know?


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #70 on: January 14, 2013, 10:06:23 pm »

Is there any way I can configure Gizmo to NOT allow the device it is running on, to control my primary HTPC.
I set up Gizmo on my kids Nexus 7. She plays music and watches movies on it when she remembers to tell her device to Play Here.
I got a rude surprise when she was a friends house and played a song very loudly but Gizmo was set to Play There (my home system). Can I set up her Gizmo so that she can only play it on her device and not use it as a remote control?

BTW - I certainly support the idea of NOT making Gizmo automatically convert to play locally. No need to for some devices, kills CPU, lousy playback periodically due to CPU.


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #71 on: January 15, 2013, 02:58:25 pm »

I recently purchased MC18 and I like the interface quite well. I am having difficulty setting up Gizmo to allow me to listen to my library whilst accessing with my Google Nexus 7 tablet from outside my LAN (it works just fine when the tablet is connected on the LAN). I read a number of the posts here in the Interact Forum to try to figure this out myself, but to no avail. I have a Netgear WNDR3400v2 router, and I set up port forwarding for 52199 as suggested in the Gizmo wiki page, but when I do the test connection to this server in the Media Network menu I am still getting the message that this library server is not reachable from the internet. I checked Windows firewall and created a rule (as suggested in a different thread) to allow access to 52199, but still no success. Could you please help me to resolve this issue? Thank you.

Rockets71- Did you ever get this working? If so, what steps did you follow. I haven't been able to figure out port forwarding either.


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #72 on: February 03, 2013, 12:59:58 pm »

I have been able to get Media Network (generic DNLA) to run on my local network with Gizmo (android), but it will not run across networks. I have turned off all firewalls on my computer and connected the computer directly to my dsl modem, but it still will not connect from outside the LAN (Tools: Options: Access Keys…: Test connection… ).

Any ideas what may be the problem?  I am using Media Center 18.

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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #73 on: February 03, 2013, 01:24:11 pm »

I have been able to get Media Network (generic DNLA) to run on my local network with Gizmo (android), but it will not run across networks. I have turned off all firewalls on my computer and connected the computer directly to my dsl modem, but it still will not connect from outside the LAN (Tools: Options: Access Keys…: Test connection… ).

Any ideas what may be the problem?  I am using Media Center 18.

You need to configure the port forward on your router.


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #74 on: February 03, 2013, 01:48:52 pm »

Thanks for the quick reply - Question:

Eliminating the router from the network and connecting directly to the Internet via the DSL modem does not eliminate the requirement to forward the port?

(I do not believe port forwarding works on my ASUS router).


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I think you can set up port forwarding with ASUS routers.

After getting to the router settings app (entering in your browser address), click on WAN under Advanced Settings. Then pick the Virtual Server / Port Forwarding tab.

Under basic configuration, you can enable port forwarding.

I'm don't know how to set it up from here.

I don't know what I'm supposed to enter for:
Service name - is this just any name we want?
Port Range - Is this where I set a range that includes 52199?
Local IP - is this the address for the PC where the library server is running?
Local Port - or is this where I enter 52199?


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #76 on: February 13, 2013, 11:54:01 am »

I'm having an issue with Gizmo over 3G on my Sprint phone.  I know the Sprint speed is likely the issue, but even when getting 400Kbps (according to speedtest app on the phone) I am not able to have Gizmo stream even with the audio setting set at 64Kbps low quality.  It says "Preparing" and then goes the "Resume Playback" button and no amount of hitting that button will start playback.  I have not been able to test if there is an issue when connecting via wifi to an external network if the same thing applies.  When connected via wifi to my home network I have no issue at even the highest quality setting o

Is this simply an internet speed issue?  If so, it would be great if Gizmo could let you know in some way. 

Alternately, the Slacker app, Pandora One and Sony Music Unlimited services all stream well on their highest settings.

Any ideas? 



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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #77 on: February 13, 2013, 05:12:57 pm »

This APP is great!! Good work guys ;)

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As great as free is...  I'd pay for a version that allowed me to choose list view, my collections is way too big for the fanned art.  Not being able to see long album names is also inconvenient. Quick jump alphabet on the right of the artist last would be nice.    Lastly currently playing playlist management would on Android would be nice.

Again I'd pay for it!


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #79 on: February 13, 2013, 10:43:32 pm »

As great as free is...  I'd pay for a version that allowed me to choose list view, my collections is way too big for the fanned art.  Not being able to see long album names is also inconvenient. Quick jump alphabet on the right of the artist last would be nice.    Lastly currently playing playlist management would on Android would be nice.

Again I'd pay for it!

So would I. I think there are quite a few things that could make Gizmo a great app and would be willing to pay 4.95 or so. Heck, the guy that sells "My Movies" charges $4.95 for his Android app and I don't think it has much functionality at all.


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #80 on: February 15, 2013, 11:52:00 pm »

I have a question about the audio quality of streaming files when using Gizmo.
I just purchased (today) JRiver Media Center because it seems to fulfill most of my "Wish List" as far as media center software goes.
I purchased my Blu-Ray player (Panasonic DMP-BD87) because it could natively handle both FLAC and MKV files.
I have set my DLNA service up to "Never Convert" anything because of my players capabilities, but when I started checking into Gizmo,
I saw the "Audio Quality" and "Video Quality" settings have limitation below what my player is capable of (320kbps & 720p, respectively).

My question is:  If I'm using Gizmo as a controller between JRiver Media Center on my PC, and my Blu-Ray player (renderer - capable of full playback),
do these limitation come into play, or are they just for using my Android phone as the playback device?

I have no way to tell what bit rate, etc., my music is being played back at, and my Blu-Ray player is set to 16:9 full,
which means it may be upconverting the potential 720p video stream being sent from JRiver Media Center.

I have a similar question--I just got a Galaxy Tab 2 which is advertised as natively supporting FLAC. I'm streaming to the tablet, however, and not using it as a controller. I have MC set to never convert, but the highest quality setting on Gizmo is 320kbps... is there a way to stream the FLAC file to the tablet and not convert it?

Eventually I'm going to experiment with streaming directly from my DLNA enabled NAS device where my music is stored, instead of going through MC, but I'm trying this first just because it's easier to set up.


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Re: JRiver Gizmo's for Android -- stream your music to your phone
« Reply #81 on: February 28, 2013, 06:40:59 am »

Your router has an inside and an outside address.  From outside your network, you need to try the outside address.

More here:

When I launch Gizmo outside my LAN, Gizmo automatically attempts to use my LAN IP. How do I get it to use the IP generated by Whats my IP?

Secondly, I have set up my Library and music files on a network hard drive ( no PC directly attached). I have port forwarded my router at 52199 and pointed to the Network hard drive. This should work correct?

I ask because when I am inside the LAN, Gizmo connects to the Library through one of my PCs, not directly to server. I read somewhere that a user installed MC18 on his network hard drive. Sounds complicated....


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Re: JRiver Gizmo's for Android -- stream your music to your phone
« Reply #82 on: February 28, 2013, 08:10:53 am »

When I launch Gizmo outside my LAN, Gizmo automatically attempts to use my LAN IP. How do I get it to use the IP generated by Whats my IP?
If you followed the instructions for setup and you use the Access Key, Gizmo will first check the "inside" address, then the "outside", and so on for several cycles.  You should be able to see both addresses when it's trying to connect.


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #83 on: February 28, 2013, 12:53:55 pm »

Any plans for a Gizmo Android Widget?


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #84 on: February 28, 2013, 01:02:53 pm »

Not soon.


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If I want to use the Gizmo "play to" option (Gizmo serves as UI to view and play content on a specific PC), does the PC have to be configured as a server?  I ask for the following reason:  I want to run MC in server mode on a PC (MovieServer) in the living room that will be used for movie and tv playback only.  I'll use a TV directly connected to MovieServer for UI and playback.  I have another PC (MusicServer) in a spare room that will be used for two channel music playback only.  My music files are physically located on MusicServer.

My objective is to use Gizmo on a Android table as the primary UI for music playback, though I may use a TV in the room as the UI rarely.  However, I want Gizmo to connect the MusicServer only.  Given this desire, do I have to configure MusicServer as a server for Gizmo to connect to it, or can I still connect to if it is configured as a client for MovieServer?  I want MusicServer's music files available on other MC clients throughout the house.



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This is a bump to my last question about using Gizmo with a server, but I'll try to simplify my question.  Can Gizmo play to a PC configured as a client, or can it only play to servers?


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- Song Rating capability
« Reply #87 on: April 08, 2013, 10:15:34 pm »

The annual request for song rating capability on Gizmo (1st seen in this thread feb 2011).
As others have said, I'll happily pay!

Transitioning from iphone and the AWESOME JRemote to Android and still need to rate my songs on my hour commute!
(Heck, someone at JRiver ask LesPaul - JRemote dev - how he does it!)


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I was able to rate my songs on my Dell Axim with NetRemote in 2004ish - 10 years ago! 
Its actually kind of pathetic that this still isn't in Gizmo in 2013.


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Any chance Gizmo will be updated to take advantage of Chromecast?


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Any chance Gizmo will be updated to take advantage of Chromecast?
I don't think there's any connection there.  We have one on order, but my understanding is that it streams from Internet sources like Netflix and Youtube.  The Android app just initiates playback.  This isn't likely to be open to a third party developer.


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I saw JRemote today at a friends house and it is much nicer in looks and feel then Gizmo. They need to give Gizmo a facelift . I currently use Gizmo. I may have to purchase a Ipad to use JRemote.


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I don't think there's any connection there.  We have one on order, but my understanding is that it streams from Internet sources like Netflix and Youtube.  The Android app just initiates playback.  This isn't likely to be open to a third party developer.

FYI: An in-depth look at how Chromecast uses HTML5 webpages to stream media, how tab projecting works, and how Google limits app distribution/

There are currently two main ways that users can send content to the Chromecast device. The first method is by using apps that support the Google Cast API. This is how you can stream a YouTube video, a Netflix movie, or music from Google Play Music to the Chromecast. When you use one of these apps, the Chromecast device loads a lightweight webpage that uses HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS. This webpage loads the media using HTML5 <video> and then listens for commands like pausing or seeking. It's important to note that the media is downloaded by the Chromecast device itself and not by the phone, tablet, or computer that is sending it. You can find the list of supported codecs on this webpage. I don't expect we'll see much added to this list; I don't know if it's possible to make the hardware decoder work with other formats.

The second way that you can send content to the Chromecast device is through Chrome tab projection. You accomplish this by installing the Google Cast extension on a desktop version of Chrome. This does not work on mobile devices at the moment because of the computing power required to make it work. Here is the list of Google's system requirements for streaming video in this way; many older computers are excluded. When you choose to mirror a tab, the Chromecast device loads a webpage that uses a HTML5 video chatting standard called WebRTC. The desktop copy of Chrome then "video chats" the Chromecast with the tab's contents. It is constantly encoding and transmitting a video of the current tab; this is why so much computing power is required. Google allows you to choose between 480p, 720p, and a higher bitrate version of 720p in the extension's options. I assume 720p will work fine on many computers, but some people will be stuck with 480p.

Video from unsupported sites, such as Hulu and Amazon Instant Video, will be playable only through tab projecting. You're only going to have a good experience if you have a rather fast computer and a good Wi-Fi connection; otherwise, you may experience out of sync audio, buffering issues, and dropped frames. Flash works because it is what is known as a Pepper plugin rather than an older NPAPI plugin. (NPAPI stands for Netscape Plugin API; it was originally developed for the Netscape browser, but it's now used by Chrome, Firefox and other browsers.) Both Silverlight and Java are NPAPI plugins, so they cannot be projected to the Chromecast at all.

so it sounds like IF the Gizmo app were to take advantage of this, the app would connect to this lightweight HTML5 page through the API and render there rather than through the built in player.

the alternative till and if then:  tab projecting webgizmo should work, albeit dependent upon the specs of the projecting device.

for anyone curious or adventurous, this free app emulates Chromecast tab projection from one Android device to another (so tab projecting from your phone to your tablet for example). hf!
CheapCast - Android Apps on Google Play


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Chromecast Support Workaround?
« Reply #93 on: August 20, 2013, 09:34:09 am »

Might this be a workaround that could Chromecast enable Gizmo (at the OS level)?

CyanogenMOD developer adds Chromecast support for all media apps

From a CyanogenMOD blog entry:
"...your devices will be able to take any media stream on your device that uses the MediaPlayer API, and send it to your ChromeCast! This doesn’t work with apps that use their own decoder, but this should work with the majority of the apps on the market. It also means that any local media on the device can be ‘casted’ seamlessly."


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that would only work if Gizmo was designed to pick up media intents in addition to its streaming client duties (when you have to choose which app to open a file in, Android recognizes it as a "media player" which technically Gizmo is not


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #95 on: November 05, 2013, 08:28:30 am »

I'm new to the Android platform and I have been using Gizmo for a couple of weeks now. I really enjoy it; thanks for developing this great app. That said, I'd love to see the following features for Gizmo:

- Automatically pause and then resume playback when Google Maps is instructing during navigation.
- Support for headphones buttons (I use standard LG G2 headphones on my LG G2). The volume up and down buttons work, but I can't skip, replay, pause or play a next song with the middle button on my headphone "remote".
- Being able to check the 'buffer status' of Gizmo: see what percentage of a song has been downloaded, or a list of songs that have been downloaded / cued / buffered and are ready for playback.
- Being able to view lyrics over the album / cover art.
- Smaller fonts in "list views". The font size is now rather large / unrefined looking, making the actual viewable area of a lists very small. A smaller font could also make room for a subtext below it, possibly conveying additional information about the song (IE artist or album information directly below the song title).
- A "playing next / up Next" option / list view.

PS: It took me a while to figure out how to shuffle a playlist (by tapping and holding down a certain playlist and wait for the contextual menu to appear). I'm very carefully assuming I'm not the only one?

Hope this helps!


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #96 on: November 26, 2013, 02:11:56 am »

I have a problem with the latest version of Gizmo on my Samsung S3 mobile.
I want to stream MP3 from my home PC over 3G to my mobile.
It is working when I use the IP and Port to connect to the PC (e.g. xx.xx.xx.xx:52199), but I do not have an fixed IP at home.
So I have to use a dynamic dns for that reason.
I use, so my adress is like (portforwarding works as tested with the current IP), but with the no-ip adress it is not working, no connection to my PC. When I use this in the browser, I come to my locally installed website (Apache server), so in principle the name resolution works on my mobile, but not in Gizmo.

Can you help me?

Thanks and best regards,


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #97 on: November 26, 2013, 06:40:01 am »

Did you try to use the IP address for instead of the domain name?  Or whatever they recommend.


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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #98 on: November 26, 2013, 08:51:07 am »

sorry I don't know what you mean.
When I use the current IP for today with the portnumber on the end "" it is working.
With the "" not.
When I use the "" in a browser on my mobile it is working - I get the webinterface from JRiver.




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Re: JRiver Gizmo -- stream your media from home -- or use Android as a remote
« Reply #99 on: November 26, 2013, 09:11:01 am »

Did you try using the Access Key method?  It should work.  It will update itself if your local address changes.
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