I am trying to find a WIndows 7 based solution for playing high quality music using a upnp remote to control things. I have used a Nevo SL for some years which had its own media server and player packaged. This would not play any of the uncompressed music file formats and now won't run in Win 7. I upgraded to a NevoS70 which, with its design studio, is an excellent product, but it no longer comes with upnp based server and player. I have looked at many servers and players and none work completely with the Nevo. I am now trying Media Center. It has many of the capabilities I want - support for FLAC files, ability to use ASIO, Kernel streaming etc to avoid the data being fiddled with.
I can get the Nevo to play single files, using Media Center as server and renderer, but not a series of files. I don't know why. When a track ends, the media renderer says waiting, presumably waiting for the next file request, but nothing happens. Do I have a setting wrong? Has anyone got this working correctly? I would really appreciate some help.