You do not need to reinstall MC.
It is not clear to me if you now have two complete sets of tracks in your library (one set pointing at E: and one set pointing at F:) or if you just have one set of tracks, but they reference the wrong disk?
If you have two sets of tracks and want to delete the set of tracks with the wrong path from the library:
in the navigation tree on you left, find and click on the view "disc location". Select the drive that does not exist. In the main window, select all tracks and delete them (they should be marked with a red X in a yellow square if MC can't find them)
If you only have one set of tracks, but they have the wrong path (i.e. F:\.... rather than E:\... all marked with red x in yellow square):
- select all songs that have the wrong path
- right click, select "library tools" -> "Rename, Move and Copy Files"
- Keep the default "Rename (moves....)" in the drop-down menu
- uncheck the boxes left of "directories" and "filename"
- check the "Find & Replace" box at the bottom
- do an appropriate find & replace, i.e. from "F:\...." to "E:\...." (check in the preview window to the right your action will have the desired result).
Hope this helps.