[Edit by JimH]
This build was just released, but it will require an MC16 license. If you bought after Jan 1, 2011, you have an MC16 license.
http://files.jriver.com/mediacenter/MediaCenter160039.exeThis build uses the new Chromium browser engine. It is the same engine that Google Chrome uses. This solves the problem of new IE9 RC installs causing MC to crash. It is working now but still has a few rough edges. Logins are not preserved for Netflix and other services. Stopping Netflix playback causes MC to crash on some PC's. Otherwise working. This change will not affect any browsers you have installed.
[end edit]
We've had many reports of crashes with all versions of Media Center and Media Jukebox after upgrading to Internet Explorer 9 Release Candidate (IE9 RC). We've been able to replicate the problem here but have not determined the cause as yet. However, many users of other software are reporting similar problems on Microsoft's public IE9 RC feedback forum here:
https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/Feedback(you may need to be logged into a Microsoft Live account to see all of the postings here)
Some new posts just from today (2/14/2011) include:
1. SAP Gui crashes after installing IE9 RC
2. IE9 RC crashes when calling IDispatch::Invoke
3. IE9 RC breaks a well-documented jQuery plugin which worked in IE6,7,8
4. All Yahoo applications crashing under IE9
5. IE9 RC multiple crashes on Ebay.co.uk
6. IE9 RC Crashes on a page with Java Applet
7. OWA (Outlook Web Access) under IE9 RC1: Internal Error
If you have a Microsoft Live or Hotmail account, please feel free to let Microsoft know you can reproduce this bug by going to the following link (you'll need to log-in):
https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/644561/ie9-rc-embedded-in-c-application-crashes-on-idispatch-invoke-navigate-dispidWhere it shows the number of users that can reproduce the bug, click "I can too". Probably the bugs with more repro's get more attention. You can also leave comments near the bottom of the page.
Instructions for un-installing IE9: