So... I'm planning on giving this a shot this weekend again (probably mostly tomorrow or later tonight). I've just been playing around with it a bit, scanning for channels on my "traditional" tuners, and I've hit some issues already... I thought I'd just check in on them to see if anyone has any clues.
1. Digital QAM TunersI have a
Hauppauge HVR-2250. This device has four logical tuners (two analog and two ATSC/QAM tuners). Two of them can be used simultaneously, independently, in whatever mix you want (basically it has two physical tuners, each of which can work in ATSC/QAM "digital" mode or "analog" mode).
Scanning using one of the digital tuners for my QAM channels comes up completely blank in MC. No channels found at all. There isn't much there of use, honestly (stupid Time Warner) but I get a few HD QAM channels that I like to use.
Am I doing something wrong or does MC just not support QAM tuners? If so, there is little point in continuing with this project, because I'm not going to give those channels up.
2. Separate Program Data/Channel Lists Per TunerThis one I haven't really played with much, so far, because I haven't even attacked using my HD-PVR, but in setting up the other "traditional" tuners, I'm getting suspicious of how this might work. I might be making it more complicated than it is, because I still don't quite get how MC handles multiple tuners.
In addition to the HVR-2250 listed above, I have an HD-PVR connected to my Time Warner cable box. My cable box "gets" all of the analog channels in addition to the digital-only ones. However, I typically do not want it to tune a channel that can also be tuned by one of the analog tuners. In essentially all cases like this that I care about, the Digital Cable also has a "copy" of the same channel up in the 600+ channels that is HD. So, if a show is ever going to be recorded by my HD-PVR, I want it to always use the HD version of the channel in question. Likewise, my HD-PVR can tune up to the 1000's. Obviously, my analog tuners don't go that high (they only can tune up to about 78 or something like that).
In Sage, each tuner can have it's own Channel List, which you can edit independently. I solve this problem by loading the Time Warner Cable "Basic" program guide for my analog tuners, and the Time Warner Cable "Digital" program guide for my HD-PVR. Then I go through the HD-PVR's list and uncheck all of the standard def channels that have HD "duplicates".
This way, if the system decides to use the HD-PVR for a particular recording, it will always record a HD channel if one is available. I keep the HD-PVR as my "highest priority" tuner, and it is used first, most of the time. But, if you get a situation where it needs to record two shows simultaneously, then it can "decide" which tuners to use based on where the channels are available. So, for example, my HBO recordings always end up on my HD-PVR, because I don't even have that channel enabled on my analog tuners. If anything conflicts with an HBO show, then it'll either get delayed till later, or recorded on the analog tuners (if it is available there). It works quite well. I almost never have to manually set a particular "Favorite" to record only with one particular tuner manually.
It also makes it easy to set up my different tuners. Since I have two identical QAM tuners, and two identical analog tuners, they each just share one program guide, so I don't have to repeat everything during setup. When setting up the second one, I just pick the "Analog" channel list, or the "QAM" channel list, that I configured when I set up tuner #1.
It also looks like it will always use my HD-PVR to tune any channel that it is capable of tuning when I start live TV playback (if it is configured as the "top priority" tuner). That's a problem if it is scheduled to record something 15 minutes later. In Sage, that is only a problem if I start watching something that is only available on the HD-PVR (which is expected). If I choose a "low number" to watch a football game or something, it automatically picks one of my analog tuners.
I don't see any way to do any of this with MC. It looks like it only uses one Program Guide total.
3. Duplicate Channels in GuideLikewise, to above... It seems like I will have no fewer than 3 copies of
every single channel that is available on my analog tuners in my Program Guide (one for the HD-PVR, and one for each Analog Tuner). If something is available via QAM too (assuming I can get QAM support to work), then I'd actually get 5 copies of that channel?!?
Is this right?