We've had the pleasure of having a meta data scraping system in MC for the last 50-70 builds or so in MC. Which is an enormous improvement compared to MC16 and previous versions. However, some people think that the current system is not adequate. Some of us still have to relay on tagging from other applications, or manually adding data within MC, because some meta data is left out on MC's part.
This is what we have today, as far as I've seen. I believe all of this data is currently retrieved through themoviedb.org and thetvdb.com respectively
Movies: Actors, Budget, Description, Director, Keywords, MPAA Rating, Genres, Year/Date, Producer
TV Shows: Access Rating, Actors, Critic Rating (Site Episode Rating?), Description, Description, Director, Screenwriter
There are some important data here that I know many users would appreciate. The data is weighted with the most important once first (from my perspective).
Movies: Rating (themoviedb.org), Critic Rating (from rottentomatoes), Languages (themoviedb.org), Trailer URL (themoviedb.org), Writer (themoviedb.org)
TV Shows: First Aired (thetvdb.com), Genre (thetvdb.com), Network (thetvdb.com), TMDB Show Rating (thetvdb.com)
I think the 2-3 first tags here is really important for quite some users. Can you please look at this when you have the time?