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Author Topic: Netflix now has a progress bar and "full screen" button  (Read 11253 times)


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Netflix now has a progress bar and "full screen" button
« on: March 29, 2012, 01:58:09 pm »

I don't know if I changed something or netflix changed something, but I now have a progress bar on the bottom of the screen and a button to go "full screen". Unfortunately I need a keyboard/mouse to click on the full screen button else I have this distraction through the entire movie.
Is anyone else seeing this (i.e. a change made by Netflix in the last week or so)? Maybe one of the recent MC updates added this feature or changed something.

Maybe related, I also get a distortion on the screen now (lile a ripple on the center third of the screen). I never had this before - so I'm wondering what changed.
The distortion is not consistent - it's more like the lack of data due to a streaming problem. This is also a new problem.

I checked the Netflix site and there is no mention of any changes. I also lowered Video quatilty from 1GB/hr (best) to 0.7 GB/Hr (mid-quaility) but this has had no effect onm the distortion.


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Re: Netflix now has a progress bar and "full screen" button
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 02:03:56 pm »

Does the progress bar go away if you pause playback?
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Netflix now has a progress bar and "full screen" button
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2012, 04:23:12 pm »

I just tried playback on my desktop system and the bar at the bottom of the screen automatically disappears. When I hit Pause or Play the bar pop up for a second then disappear. It looks like on this computer the "Full screen" option is ON. I will check my other HTPC as soon as I can and report back.

PS. I'm getting the distortion on this machine too. Best way to discribe it is a "ripple" in the playback (not blocks like a streaming issue).

Oh yeah, I did get a pop up message on Silverlight requesting permisson to do soemthing regarding protected playback when I first tried Netflix on this desktop machine. I don't recall seeing that on my other HTPCs.


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Re: Netflix now has a progress bar and "full screen" button
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2012, 04:51:46 pm »

Problem remains on my main HTPC. I tried the "Pause/Play" button and discovered that those buttons (the MC player controls) don't work. Only the Player controls at the bottom of the screen (the Silverlight/Netflix buttons) work to pause or play the video. If I move my mouse to top of screen the MC player controls appear. I'll look around the MC settings to make sure I didn't create this issue by changing something unknowingly.


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Re: Netflix now has a progress bar and "full screen" button
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2012, 08:54:32 am »

When watching a netflix movie, the pause/play and other remote control functions (using the Media Center Remote) don't work. 

These functions work fine when using hulu.  This needs to be fixed for netflix. 


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Re: Netflix now has a progress bar and "full screen" button
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2012, 09:22:09 am »

When watching a netflix movie, the pause/play and other remote control functions (using the Media Center Remote) don't work. 

These functions work fine when using hulu.  This needs to be fixed for netflix. 
This should work in the latest build.  You'll find it at the top of this board.


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Re: Netflix now has a progress bar and "full screen" button
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2012, 10:40:50 am »

That's why I'm posting, because it doesn't work in the latest version 17.0.173.  Hulu works, netflix doesn't, with regard to MC Remote control functions like pause/play, fast forward, etc.


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