Im in the progress of making an J River Media Center music controll-app for Android tablets.
It is primarliy for my own enjoyment but I will make it avaliable when it's done.
It will not have many features other then browsing and playing music.
Here are some screenshots of it's current state:
Start view

Albums view

Artist view

Track view
DownloadOk, the app is now in a usable state so anyone willing to try it is welcomed to do so.
First a rather strong disclaimer:
I take no responsability for anything regarding this app what so ever!Remember, Im a beginner app-developer and this is my first real app. You will probably find a bunch of buggs, if you get it to work at all =).
It is made for myself and it is made to be used the way I listen to my music. If that happens to fit the way you use your JR Media Center thats great, but I have not taken any other user in account other then myself. Just so you know =)
To make it work you need to in MC use "Use media network to share this library".
An you can NOT use "Authentication".
In the app, just enter your server ip-number and port and you should be good to go =)
Feel free to post any bugs you find (probably several), and I'll go through them when I have time and are willing, if ever ;-)
The app is way to shabby to publish on Google Play so you can download it from the top of this thread.
Download jrControl here:
JRControl_v0.1.1.apkVersion history
v0.1.1 -
- Fixed bug with the controls.
- Tracknumbers are now loading correctly.