I'd like some help figuring out how to streamline my image tagging. I haven't done much with MC18 and images, but recently decided to let MC import my images folder on my NAS. It imported all of my images, and I learned a few things, made some auto-tagging changes for album name, etc. One thing that I'd like to be able to do more easily however, is set a tag on an image. Here's my use case:
When I go out on a photo shoot, I will often take 250 - 300 pictures. Many of them 5 in two seconds, with the slightest change in exposure. Then when I'm at home, I'd like to go through those images and say, of these 5, this 1 is the one I want to set for the slideshow. I made a custom tag called Display, and in my theater view settings made it so Display = No does not show. This works great, but setting Display to No is a pain in the @$$. What I really want to be able to do is see the picture on the screen, hit Y/N, Alt+Y, Shift+Y, whatever, to set the tag to Yes or No. That would enable me to roll through 300 of these much faster than what I have to do now.
Does that make sense? Is there something like that which I'm missing?