Matt asked me to check if there could be some common agreement of how the Watched function should work. It might help us work out some changes if people agree. So, why not check it out with a poll?
A few months ago, the standard caption for TV Shows and Movies was changed for Theater View. It now includes the function Watched(). This function has 3 different modes.
Watched(0) which gives you the percentage watched, and when it was last watched. This is used in some of the Small Info Panes.
Watched(1) which gives you the output of 0, 1 or 2 depending on the watched state (not watched, partially watched and fully watched).
Watched(2) which are used in the default TV Show and Movie caption. This should give you a blank output for Not Watched, an indication if the video is partially watched (missing today) and a check mark if the movie is fully watched.
The last two modes have a couple of problems.
1. The Partially watched state are not giving any output in the Watched(2) mode. The check mark for fully watched are there, but there's not any character to identify partially watched movies. Sure, this can be added by the user, but who really knows how?
2. The trigger between Partially watched and Fully watched are set to 50%, or Number Plays increase (which are also triggered above 50%).
This is why I've been suggesting changing this values, so no person find him/her self missing out on the last part of their TV Shows or movies because it's marked as watched. I'm also suggesting adding an exclamation mark to indicate those partially watched videos. I've added some options to a poll, and see if others agree.
So, what do you think should be done? Please pick the most fitting answer from the poll.