Hello everyone

I've been using Winamp for music playback for many years. A friend recently recommended that I give Media Center a try, so I downloaded the free trial. Everything is working okay, SQ is excellent, but I have a few questions about the interface that I just can't seem to answer. I've searched the forums and done a fair bit of Googling.
Q1 - Is it possible to keep the file browser pane locked in place in Album view? I'm referring to the pane that lists tracks for the currently selected album. It seems to be a permanent fixture in the Artists view, but each time I access Album view I have to drag it up again.
Q2 - Is there some way to have the Album view remember my position when I switch back to it from another view (Playing Now, Artist, etc.)? I have rather a lot of music, and having to scroll through several pages to get back to where I was is a bit of a chore.
Q3 - Whenever I start Media Center, the background (the area behind album covers) is plain white, not in line with whatever skin is selected. Switching between views a couple of times causes the background to revert to the correct skin colour, but this has to be done each time I start the software. If I don't change views, the colour does not change of its own accord. This occurs with both the included skins as well as 3rd party ones. Is this fixable?
I would be grateful for any light you could shed on these matters