It all depends on which "device" you have targeted when you're controlling jremote.
If you have one of the players you have defined in mc selected, it will play through those, including directly from mc to AirPlay or dlna. If you. Have "this device" selected, it will play through the iPad which you could reroute to AirPlay.
But you can def just use jremote as a control without having it in the signal path.
Hi kiwi, thank you for the info. To be sure I understand I'll outline how my system is set up and how I use the devices
1) Mac Pro with all music stored internally. MC 18 is running
2) Apple TV connected to my DAC via optical and the DAC to my amp
3) iPad with JRemote
I select "this device" and the music runs no problem. It streams to my iPad and then to the ATV and I am bathed in glorious sound waves

I select "that device" meaing the Mac Pro workstation. I don't hear anything at all. No music streams to ATV. My assumption then was that I could only stream to the Apple TV from my iPad.
I have a DLNA device as well, and I have no issues navigating my files and stremaing directly to it, though I can't use JRemote to control it.
If I use the latter setup, gapless is absent. If I go with the first setup with the Apple TV, I get gapless with the iPad but no music whatsoever with the stream directly from the Mac Pro. Perhaps then Apple TV is not able to receive the signal directly from MC 18? Or perhaps I have some setting that is not checked within the MC 18 options?
Save for these small hangups, I'm pleased with the software. I was one of the users that couldn't get the software to remain open for more than 15 seconds before a crash. I unchecked the auto import setting and all has been well, save for this streaming via Airplay and the gapless issue.