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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here  (Read 13086 times)


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JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« on: March 19, 2013, 09:06:21 am »

This is the latest version of MC 18.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.



18.0.153 (3/18/2013)

1. Changed: FLAC tag values are no longer null terminated (could cause problems with Asian characters on Linux MPD devices).
2. Fixed: YouTube was not working in some cases (hopefully fixed, but please report if you are still experiencing problems).
3. Changed: Improved the categories shown in Theater View > YouTube.
4. Changed: Manually adjusting the volume while the volume is muted will unmute the volume.
5. NEW: The command line allows making MCWS web service calls: MC18.exe "/MCWS/v1/Playback/Pause?State=-1" (does not require Media Network to be running or a server to be listening).
6. SDK: Added MCWS/v1/Playback/LinkZones and MCWS/v1/Playback/UnlinkZone.
7. SDK: Added MCC_LINK_ZONE (10060) and MCC_UNLINK_ZONE (10061).
8. SDK: Added MCWS/v1/Playback/PlayDoctor to allow a simple entry to starting Play Doctor playback using a seed.

18.0.152 (3/18/2013)

1. Changed: Updated Chinese language file (thanks kelijun).
2. Changed: A couple of small tweaks to audio encoding for video conversion.
3. Fixed: On some systems with multiple optical drives, CD ripping would not work because MC would see the drives as duplicates.

18.0.150 (3/14/2013)

1. NEW: Ceton television devices can be disabled or enabled individually so users can avoid conflicts when using them on different machines.
2. Faster: Improved performance of Media Network device discovery (more reliable detection, fewer resources needed).
3. Fixed: HD television channels played poorly on Ceton devices that were installed as network devices.
4. Fixed: A few bugs relating to CD ripping with multiple drives.

18.0.149 (3/13/2013)

1. Fixed: The program did not properly handle relative paths that started with a backslash (which means starting on the current drive).
2. Faster: The core 24-bit PCM to 64-bit (internal format) conversion is about 4x faster.
3. Fixed: The sorting of orders of television devices on TV Options window did not work for Ceton tuners.

18.0.148 (3/12/2013)

1. Fixed: Televion playback could fail in build 146 for certain digital television devices.
2. SDK: Any MCWS file function can save the files to a playlist (ie. MCWS/v1/Playback/Playlist?Action=Save&SaveMode=Playlist&SaveName=My%20Group\My%20Playlist).
3. SDK: Added MCWS/v1/Playlist/Delete to allow playlist deleting (requires an authenticated connection) (ie. MCWS/v1/Playlist/Delete?PlaylistType=Path&Playlist=My%20Group\My%20Playlist).
4. Fixed: The Action Window would not reload colors properly when switching skins until restarting the program (again).

18.0.147 (3/11/2013)

1. Faster: Improved performance while ripping movies.
2. Fixed: The Action Window would not reload colors properly when switching skins until restarting the program.
3. Fixed: Fill Properties From Filename could incorrectly apply a value from the previous file in certain cases.
4. Fixed: When a DLL showed user interface, it could lead to a crash (like the WASAPI - Event Style configuration dialog, etc.).
5. Fixed: Global hotkeys were not working.
6. Fixed: Remote buttons could not work in some cases.

18.0.146 (3/8/2013)

1. Fixed: Possible user interface crashes in build 145.
2. Fixed: Race condition that could cause Play Doctor usage in linked zones to create playlists that were different in different zones.
3. Fixed: Clicking tab text did not work in build 145.
4. NEW: Ceton InfiniTV 4 CableCARD television device support.  It is still unfinished.  For example, live channel switching does not work.  You have to Stop one channel before starting another.
5. Fixed: Scan for television channels did not work in the last few builds.
6. Fixed: Configure button on Television Options window did not work.
7. Changed: Digital television devices running in non-time-shifting mode also use Red October settings (previously Red October settings were used only in time-shifting mode).
8. Fixed: Options > Audio > Configure input plug-in... was not working.
9. Fixed: The image printing wizard was crashing on close.
10. Fixed: The image preview view state was not being preserved properly during back / forward navigation.

18.0.145 (3/7/2013)

1. Fixed: Seeking while bitstreaming DSD could crash.
2. Fixed: Opening the Tag Action Window could incorrectly zoom into the field under the mouse.
3. Fixed: Manually switching tracks was not updating the playing file as quickly as expected for the last few builds.
4. Fixed: The Action Window navigation list was not using the proper background color with some skins.
5. Fixed: When linking a zone to another zone that was already playing, not all playback settings would by synchronized to the playing zone so they might change tracks at different points.
6. Fixed: Linked zones could account for drift in a slightly incorrect way across track transitions, causing an unnecessary resync (sounds like a pause and resume).

18.0.144 (3/6/2013)

1. NEW: DLNA audio conversion when using Convert Always, added more sample rates to convert to.
2. Fixed: Skins that used glass were not working nicely with webpage and other views that needed to disable glass.
3. Fixed: Some WMV video files would not play (Red October now handles Windows Media screen and voice codecs automatically).
4. Fixed: Showing a right-click menu could leave the focus in an undefined state.
5. Fixed: Drag-n-drop could leave the mouse "captured" by the source window so some mouse actions wouldn't work properly.

18.0.143 (3/1/2013)

1. Fixed: The Move,copy,rename dialog was broken in the previous two builds.

18.0.142 (2/28/2013)

1. Fixed: Playing Now Overview was not working nicely.
2. Fixed: Fixed a possible crash due to internal user interface changes.
3. Changed: When displaying Recordings in standard television view, the date column shows the date value from "Date Recorded" field, instead of showing only the day of week name.
4. Changed: Image captions in Theater View show something nice in search, details lists, etc. and are user-customizable (they are still intentionally suppressed in image thumbnail lists).
5. Changed: Updated Korean language file (thanks to Junghwnan).

18.0.141 (2/27/2013)

1. Changed: Czech language translation updated (thanks to Johnny B).
2. Fixed: Input plugins were not getting properly installed on a fresh install, causing possible import or playback problems.
3. NEW: Added WASAPI Event Style option "Play a little silence on DoP stop (removes click with some DACs)".
4. Fixed: Television could crash with the last few builds in certain cases.
5. Changed: More work on keyboard focus system (shortcuts were not working in some cases, etc.).
6. Changed: MC18.exe /MCC allows a space after the comma (ie. "MC18.exe /MCC 10011, -1").
7. Fixed: Auto-complete path suggestions shown in a filename editor could output an extra backslash.
8. Fixed: Pressing tab to select an edit control suggestion could incorrectly shift the focus to the next control on the dialog.

18.0.140 (2/25/2013)

1. Fixed: Broken mp4 autofps transcoding.
2. Changed: Updated Chinese language file (thanks kelijun).
3. Fixed: Keyboard shorcuts were not always working in some cases depending on the input focus.
4. Fixed: When closing a modal dialog, the input focus would not be restored to the control it was on before the dialog.
5. Fixed: Playing Now would not auto-size columns properly when loading when the auto-size option was enabled.
6. Fixed: Detached display visibility was following the parent window, so switching tabs would unexpectedly hide the detached display.
7. Faster: Returning from full screen image playback is faster.
8. Changed: DLNA: Only provide upnp:albumArtist (Twonky specific field) for devices that specifically request it. This will mostly affect display on renderers when MC is the controller. Some devices accept this field but it interferes with the standard items like {upnp:artist role=AlbumArtist}
9. Fixed: Starting bookmarked audio playback from a stopped state would put the position slider at zero instead of the bookmark position.


Experimental testing build not released to the public.

18.0.138 (2/22/2013)

1. Changed: Updated Chinese language file (thanks kelijun).
2. NEW: Handhelds get expanded video conversion profiles.
3. NEW: Added autofps mpeg4 conversions.
4. Fixed: Small typo in naming of Audio Calibration clips (Tools > Advanced Tools > Audio Calibration...).
5. Fixed: A file encoded to DSD (DSF format) using the JRiver encoder would show as 1/8 the length in Foobar.
6. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar).


Experimental testing build not released to the public.

18.0.136 (2/19/2013)

1. Fixed: Get Cover Art From Internet was incorrectly showing a small preview with no dimensions (only applies to last few builds since the JPEG engine was changed).

18.0.135 (2/19/2013)

1. Fixed: Gizmo would not connect to build 134 due to an unintentional change in the 'ProgramName' MCWS response.
2. Fixed: Switching the focus to a different application while a list editor was open could lead to a crash.
3. Changed: Removed Computer Audiophile scrobbling (it's no longer supported by Computer Audiophile).
4. Fixed: Editing a scheduler task could switch the time for a one-time event to the current time.
5. Changed: Disable high precision seek for DLNA control, helps with broken renderers (i.e. Denon).
6. Changed: DLNA type for non-converted ts files to work on more devices (i.e. new WDTV and Bravia TV's).

18.0.134 (2/18/2013)

1. Fixed: The position slider was not working properly at the end of a track in some cases.
2. Fixed: Cross-fades were not being applied properly with ranged (CUE, etc.) playback.
3. Fixed: Some WAV files could be incorrectly detected as DTS WAV files, possibly causing them to fail to import or play.
4. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar).
5. SDK: Setting an audio stream / language with MCC_PLAYBACK_ENGINE_SET_AUDIO_STREAM works with DVD.
6. Changed: Tightened up user-facing naming so the program will only be referred to as "JRiver Media Center 18" or "Media Center" (but not other derivates like "Media Center 18", etc.).


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2013, 11:35:19 am »

YouTube issues:

  • Theatre View - Error: Something went wrong with playback. File could not be found.
  • Standard View - No option to select the Player, web page, save, etc. Clicking on a video brings up the YouTube web page. It will play withinh the web page.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2013, 01:18:15 pm »

Burn CD not working here - "Burn disc is currently unavailable" - I've tried to redetect my 2 DVD drives (which show up in Windows 8 64 bit fine) but nothing happens. Playing CDs in MC18 work fine on both my DVD drives - but not burning.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2013, 01:50:45 pm »

YouTube issues:

  • Theatre View - Error: Something went wrong with playback. File could not be found.
  • Standard View - No option to select the Player, web page, save, etc. Clicking on a video brings up the YouTube web page. It will play withinh the web page.

That's odd, because it's working here.  I wonder if the country of origin might matter?

Does changing your settings in Options > Services > YouTube make any difference?

Try rebooting.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2013, 02:57:09 pm »

Hi Matt,

Thanks for coming back to me.

On 153 there is nothing in the Tools/Options/Burning except the "redetect" instruction which doesn't work. Changing the Tools/Options/Youtube to any speed from the default here of 3mb/sec doesn't make any difference and there is still nothing in Tools/Options/Burning except the "redetect" instruction which doesn't work.

I've also gone back to 146 - this gave the "Burn disc is currently unavailable" message BUT the drives are identified in Tools/Options/Burning and changing the default in Tools/Options/Youtube DOES solve the problem of the "Burn disc is currently unavailable" problem.

So I guess something else has happened between the two builds. I hope this helps you sort it out.

Thanks. John.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2013, 05:02:18 pm »

That's odd, because it's working here.  I wonder if the country of origin might matter?

Does changing your settings in Options > Services > YouTube make any difference?

Try rebooting.

The only YouTube setting I see is bitrate related. I tried a few; no difference. I changed my YouTube "Content location" to Worldwide (I didn't see USA as an option); no difference. Rebooting; no difference. Ctrl + click; no difference.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2013, 06:40:45 pm »

In Theater View Mode: (Toggle view to a list), and scroll through a list that uses only " Regular" Captions...  (Not captions that "expand").. While scrolling through regular captions the font briefly stretches as it crosses the line of the horizontal bar  (probably tries to expand)...  It is a very jittery effect that is annoying...  It does not do this in the "Exit" theatre view menu.



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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2013, 07:17:12 am »

Anybody else with this little problem?

Rating Files 1-5 is working,but setting the rating to 0 doesn't work with CTRL, Shift, 0.
Doesn't work with my remote and keyboard shortcut for 0.

Using latest build.
Lian Li PC-C60B HTPC Case
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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2013, 08:13:24 am »

First of all, huge thank you for incorporating playback of flac files with built in cue sheet.

A bug in handling flac files with built in cue sheet:
The last track in a file shows duration equal to the total play time of the entire file (album). DLNA playback of the last track continues past the intended time reproducing silence. Playback on a computer appears to be OK.

The error is apparent in the interface (example for a hypothetical 3 track album with 1 minute duration each):

Name       Artist       Album      .......   Duration
----------  ----------  ---------              ----------
1st track   artist       album                 1:00
2nd track  artist       album                 1:00
3rd track   artist      album                  3:00

Consistent across my entire collection. Would be happy to provide a sample file if necessary.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2013, 08:22:23 am »

In 18.0.106 when sorting Movies or Shows with List Style - Details,  I could click on an episode name and press F2 to edit it.  Or, I could slow-click on the name field twice to edit it. I could then do anything to the name.

After upgrading to 146 or 153, I can press F2 and the field appears to go into edit mode but I cannot edit the name.  I can't backspace or add characters.  All I can do is copy text from somewhere else and paste it into the field replacing the current text.

If I downgrade back to 106, I can edit the Name field just fine.

Please fix this problem so I can easily edit the Name field.

Also, I have noticed a lot of screen flicker when opening the Options or DSP Studio menu.  Moving the mouse from field to filed causes a slight flicker in the pop-up window.  (Only the pop-up widow area flickers, not the entire screen)



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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2013, 10:03:38 am »

Deleting Pictures or Audio files in Tile views, reloads view at top and you lose your place.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2013, 10:32:28 am »

In 18.0.106 when sorting Movies or Shows with List Style - Details,  I could click on an episode name and press F2 to edit it.  Or, I could slow-click on the name field twice to edit it. I could then do anything to the name.

After upgrading to 146 or 153, I can press F2 and the field appears to go into edit mode but I cannot edit the name.  I can't backspace or add characters.  All I can do is copy text from somewhere else and paste it into the field replacing the current text.

If I downgrade back to 106, I can edit the Name field just fine.

Please fix this problem so i can easily edit the Name field.

Also, I have noticed a lot of screen flicker when opening the Options or DSP Studio menu.  Moving the mouse from field to filed causes a slight flicker in the pop-up window.  (Only the pop-up widow area flickers, not the entire screen)


I've also noticed a recurring pop up glitch with DSP studio as well for the last few builds (I've confirmed it's still in place in 153). 

Sometimes when I click on a check box in DSP Studio, the DSP studio pop up will minimize/disappear, and I'll need to go to the task bar to bring it back up (it doesn't close, it just vanishes).  The check box I was clicking on before it disappeared will typically be toggled correctly after I bring it back up (the click will have reversed the state of the box), but once it gets going every time I check or uncheck a box it will minimize or pop under.  It only happens sporadically, but it seems to happen primarily when modifying settings in Convolution (i.e. turning convolution on and off repeatedly during measurements/testing). Restarting JRiver clears it up every time, but I thought I'd mention it.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2013, 01:02:23 pm »

Anybody else with this little problem?

Rating Files 1-5 is working,but setting the rating to 0 doesn't work with CTRL, Shift, 0.
Doesn't work with my remote and keyboard shortcut for 0.

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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2013, 01:03:10 pm »

Burn CD also not available on my computer..... My CD Drive is not detected.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2013, 03:44:59 pm »

In Theater View Mode: (Toggle view to a list), and scroll through a list that uses only " Regular" Captions...  (Not captions that "expand").. While scrolling through regular captions the font briefly stretches as it crosses the line of the horizontal bar  (probably tries to expand)...  It is a very jittery effect that is annoying...  It does not do this in the "Exit" theatre view menu.


Do you mean the roller or file list?

I don't think I'm seeing this, so it might be good to start a new thread and describe it in a little more detail or post a screenshot.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2013, 03:54:03 pm »

A bug in handling flac files with built in cue sheet:
The last track in a file shows duration equal to the total play time of the entire file (album). DLNA playback of the last track continues past the intended time reproducing silence. Playback on a computer appears to be OK.

This will be fixed next build.  Thanks for the nice report.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2013, 05:37:01 pm »

7. SDK: Added MCC_LINK_ZONE (10060) and MCC_UNLINK_ZONE (10061).

Please update when you get a chance.
The opinions I express represent my own folly.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2013, 05:38:27 pm »

Lian Li PC-C60B HTPC Case
(Soundgraph Imon Display + Remote Control)
Asus M4A87TD/USB3 + 8GB DDR3
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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2013, 06:23:51 pm »

Mc still crash when open mkv videofile from file desktop.Any answer.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2013, 07:09:50 pm »

The fix from 132 has been disabled:

"6. Fixed: SACD playback could have a slight tick between tracks when the ISO file used DST compression"
JRiver on Silent/Fanless STREACOM FC5 EVO -> DSD through Firewire on Mytek 192 DSD -> CODA 05r pre/CODA 10.5 amp -> Sonics Amerigo Speakers


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2013, 10:18:01 pm »

This will be fixed next build.  Thanks for the nice report.

Thanks a lot.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 -- Available Here
« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2013, 05:45:24 am »

Issue with Low Pass filter in Parametric Equalizer. If I have a low pass filter set to 30000Hz, it works fine for hi-res, but with 44100k sample rate (CD), DSP Studio shows "protect" under clip protection and I get no audio until I disable the filter. It will do the same for anything above Nyquist for the sample rate. I can low pass to about 21000hz with 44.1k and 48000hz for 96k, etc. I would like to be able to filter out the HF noise that is present in many hires recordings.

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